
*If there was a treatment this effective for cancer, we’d claim victory for having cured it.

The fight to protect buprenorphine access is not over. Time is running out.

Current telehealth prescribing flexibilities are set to expire on December 31, 2024. If the deadline expires without new regulations or legislation put in place, patients across the country will lose access to life-saving addiction treatment.

Regardless of the outcome, we will continue to do everything in our power to advocate for all of our telehealth patients.

Please join us in the fight to keep our cure.

When we informed our patients about the DEA’s proposal, they responded with a flood of personal stories about what’s at stake. Their voices are astounding, inspiring, and heartbreaking.

I don't see any difference that could be made by a face to face meeting that could be made compared to a video call. And a lot of people that are fighting addiction have no way of getting anywhere due to the fact that the addiction took everything. The convenience of the video call is life saver to alot of Boulder's clients.

I did in-clinic methadone for many years. It was always hard. I have issues with leaving my home... And telemedicine has been a total help. I am comfortable... And well served by their staff.

I work in a job that does not approve for me to be in MAT so the privacy that Boulder provides and the way they make everything so easy to do my appointments and such, I would hate for this to happen! I am able to attend appointments easier due to not having to travel in car, fit time in my very busy schedule, and worry about my privacy being violated. I will do whatever i can to assist in Boulder fighting against this! I have never had such a professional group of people assisting with my recovery!

The reason I am able to fight against my addiction solely relies on telehealth. If I did not have Boulder Care I just wouldn’t have done it. For a lot of people it’s the discreetness of telehealth that makes it possible for them to get clean and fight their addiction. For me there was no way I was going to admit to my family that I had an addiction to opiates let alone go into treatment for it. The programs around here to get help would make me travel 45 minutes everyday to get one dose until I built up enough trust (I guess) to get my own prescription, I would’ve never been able to get through this without Boulder Care’s telemedicine, and the DEA forcing us to see a clinician might take this option away from a lot of people. I work in care coordination and when I tell people in our community about Boulder Care I can hear the excitement and hope in their voices that they may actually be able to continue their lives and get treatment at the same time. I wouldn’t want something like this to hinder that.

I love Boulder Care and the telehealth system, it's the whole reason I switched. I have a sick wife and mother in law that I care for plus a bad vehicle situation and it has so much easier. I have received fantastic care and I can't imagine how seeing a doctor in person would add to it. I really hope the people trying this take into account stories like this and don't ruin a great thing for many many people. Thank you

This would be detrimental to me. Transportation is the main reason I couldn't get help sooner. I work hours Monday through Friday that most places are closed by the time I'm off work and are closed on the weekends when I'm off. On top of that I do not have my license right now. I live in an area that I'm unfamiliar with and am scared to take buses. This notice has got me a nervous wreck. This program has been life saving for me. I hope and pray this doesn't happen, it could very well cost me my program and not only me and not only our programs but probably many lives too.

Being able to protect my anonymity was the only way I was successfully able to get addiction treatment, and I’m sure most everyone using these telehealth services feels the same. It is our right to receive treatment without fear of exposure!

This is completely unfair! How dare they change what has been working for me for 3 YEARS!

I don’t have my license so it’s kinda hard for me to get back-and-forth places. My fiancé goes to school and works so I don’t have a ride really anywhere.

Having addiction is a major struggle in life and because of Boulder Care I don't have to let myself be known to others about my addiction. I can comfortably log in and have one on one meeting with them and the way I feel when we are done is amazing to me

Telemedicine has been my lifesaver as I live in a remote area. If it wasn't for Boulder care and their telemedicine it would be very very difficult to get to a facility between work and taking care of my child. A lot of people benefit from this. I really think it would be terrible if it was taken away from people like me. Thank you.

I would probably just stop treatment and that is very unfortunate.

Due to my medical problems I was having trouble with getting to and waiting once in the office. My average wait time was no less than 2 hours and almost guaranteed more than 2 hours. I have major back issues, I can't sit for very long and my legs start to swell and hurt, my lower back feels like it's on fire and someone is trying to put it out with a pitch fork. Needless to say now I can be seen in my home in bed and in very little pain. I have been treated better than ever. The people who help me in my recovery have made me feel welcome from the day I called and made an appointment. I couldn't believe how nice she was when asking sensitive questions and not judging me for my answers. I don't think I could ever find any other office where I feel this safe with. I can openly talk about any and all the things I need to. I pray my recovery won't be given a huge bump in the road. I trust Boulder with everything and know if I can't be a patient with them I don't know what I would do. I really am losing my ability to walk and have had several procedures done on my back and nothing is helping.

A large part of my successful recovery with BOULDER has been the confidentiality. I have completed tests (by mail) and met with my clinician for over two years. I live in a small town and one reason I did not seek treatment was the lack of privacy inherent in having to go to a local in-person provider. HIPPA may be in effect, but as a practical matter almost all confidentiality goes out the window in a community as small as the one I live in. Unlike amphetamines, there is no long term illicit market for buprenorphine. The only non-valid reason to use these services would be someone in active addiction, which would be inconsistent with Boulder’s policies and practices. If this rule is not modified, is there a geographical limit for an in person practitioner. Like many people with insurance, money is not the issue.

I don’t know why they always want to fight against people getting help. The DEA wasn’t too concerned when in-person doctors were prescribing opiates for everything imaginable. In person appointments will not do anything besides apply a hurdle for some folks to not be able to maintain their care (like if they can’t get to their in person appointments or are too ashamed to go, etc). Telehealth has proved to work and they should leave us be. I would not be clean and legal today if it hadn’t have been for telehealth programs. They changed my life, Boulder saved my life.

Boulder, and telemedicine, has changed my life in a great way. It is unbelievable practice that has worked for me and I have changed in ways I've never thought I could. And I really hope that this does not affect the way I get my meds because that would be a terrible thing for me. No matter what I will not go back to the person I was, but I do not want the DEA to affect my lifestyle cuz I finally found something that works for me and it has changed my life for the better in ways I never thought possible. Thank you for listening and my thoughts for the day is: stay strong. Where there is a will there is a way.

This program is amazing and has been the reason I can stay successful. Being a parent and working hard being employed, this option has made it possible to succeed. The care has been better than any “in person” visit I have ever had with a provider. If anything- the visits are more thorough and comprehensive. Thank you for your program.

Boulder Care telemedicine has helped save my life and my job. My boss was very frustrated with me having to take off the whole day of work to go to my doctor's appointment. And i would have to take the whole day off because I would sit in the doctor's office for hours, and I was losing money. Thank you Boulder Care.

I don’t think the DEA should have any business dealing in someone’s recovery program. Maybe they should concern themselves more with the crap coming into our country that is responsible for most people having a need for a program.

I just tried to get back in to my primary doctor and because I will not do my Suboxone with him, he will not be my primary doctor. So I have to find another primary doctor. But that's ok I will find me another primary doctor. He wants where he would be my primary doctor and Suboxone doctor so he would get paid twice and I don't want to go through him for my Suboxone. I am doing good with Boulder Care. Why do they want to mess things up for us when what we have with Boulder Care is working for us? I have come a long way with Boulder Care's help. I have been though other doctors for treatment and they did not help. Boulder Care helped me so much and they care what happens to me. They really want to help me and Boulder Care is there for me anytime I need to talk to someone, so please just leave everything alone because it works for me.

I struggle everyday with just waking up and doing the normal things I have to do to stay alive. The more things I add my my list of frustrations the more reason I have to just give up. You can't force anyone to do something they don't wanna do, as in get clean. You're only going to stop when ready, so to make the task of getting clean more difficult is ridiculous because it's just gonna make that many more people turn away

I'm very happy with Boulder. Their support n help has been a great help to me. I got 91 days clean today

I've had bad experiences in the past not being able to get treatment in a timely manner. Boulder has provided support every time I have needed. This program has allowed me to get back to my sober self and regain my health. I would highly recommend this to any struggling addict. Additionally, I believe the telehealth aspect of this program allows for much easier access to care when needed.

In the 8 years of inpatient suboxone Dr appointments, I always felt like I was just 200 dollars a month that they would make for 5 months without talking to me or interacting until 6 months had passed. When I changed over to teladoc, my treatment has been a lot better. I have my Dr a few keystrokes away if I need them and I have a counselor if I need them 24/7. And I have a Dr who listens to me. With my older Dr everything felt like a argument over me explaining my body and my needs as well being the sole income provider for 3 young boys and their stay at home mom. Not having to miss a half day to full day of work to drive pretty far for me to see the Dr. has helped me save over 200 a month and I feel much better about my treatment now being with Boulder. I hope things don't change. My life has been all the better since I started suboxone teladoc.

Is my opinion that Boulder and the Telehealth is a fabulous thing...the kind caring loving people that I have encountered with Boulder has made it possible for myself without having to deal with a lot of the judgmentalness and just what I feel to be no different than being on probation with the approach taken by other Suboxone treatment programs and Facilities. And it has been a great help to those I have recommended Boulder to. They themselves have been greatly impacted by Boulder and the method which Boulder uses to get a form of healing to the people and TRUTH&LOVE

I have been with Boulder for almost one year and if it wasn't for them, I truly wouldn't be here today, cause Boulder gave me the care I truly needed. Lindsay my provider listened to me and Crystal my peer counselor is very good and understands exactly what I'm going through. Even though I do this over the phone, I see her as well as she sees me. And I can talk more freely to Crystal cuz I'm at home and being at home helps me be more relaxed...I ask you DEA people to please leave telehealth and Boulder, only cause if it wasn't for Boulder, I wouldn't be here today. My life is so much better with Telehealth and Boulder, so again, leave Boulder as it is cause they saved my life.

I wish you guys can keep it how it is because I don't have a car to get to the hospital. Please try to stop them from doing this to us

I am going through some difficult times right now and having medicine at ease like this helps me dramatically. Thank you and hope everything works out

This can't happen. This program, the way it's done I'm sure helps millions of those people struggling with transportation or holding a job due to how many hours u have to put in. So I am writing them cause they have no clue. I think Biden would know a little something about it being his family member suffers with an addiction. But for those who want to be sober and to have a job plus get kids off to school, we need this program. Point blank period. Thanks.

Why is it the DEA is against drugs and then when the people find a place like Boulder that helps us, the DEA or who ever else wants to make it hard on people? It's like they want us to be on drugs. If this is working for people then why try to make it hard on those that fight for their life day after day? The DEA needs to worry about the drugs that are making it to the streets every day and and leave the treatment places alone and stop trying to make crap hard. It's already hard enough to get off the crap. Now the addicts got to worry each day if there is going to be places like Boulder and recovery places for us to go when it's time. They don't know how hard it is to try and get off heroin where people like me was shooting over a 100 bags of it everyday.

This telemedicine is the only way I an able to get the proper treatment because where I live the addiction care is really not good at all. And the [in-person] treatment center actually recommended them because of my situation with work and transportation. They really went out of their way to care about my recovery and that's means a lot to me because I am alone out here.

You saved my life when I was at my lowest. I found hope and a different way of life. Thank you Boulder and especially my personal care team 🙏

Is there anything that can be done by a patient? Is there a petition that can be signed? The reason I switched from an in person doctor to Boulder is not having to do in person care due to my job.

Some work too much, they don't have time to do a in person appt. That's why we chose online care

The fact that Boulder care team members have been more than flexible and understanding and easy to work with and also I don't have to leave the comfort of my home. Especially since now I'm working nights and usually sleeping during the day, it just makes it so much easier to get my prescriptions and see my doctor over the phone then having to deal with going all the way down to the clinic like I would if I would have to do that here. Because this is a controlled substance, I wouldn't be able to access it as easy as I can through Boulder Care and I am extremely grateful for that.

They can't do this to people. It's criminal.

Not everyone has reliable transportation. Some don't drive. Also I personally do not have a primary care physician so I would have to find one get appointment scheduled ECT.

I don't want to go to a clinic for my care.

I feel that boulder care is providing enough personal assistance to get one through or along their way in recovery. They provide peer providers to help with coaching and or counseling and have nursing staff as well to gather information and help those along in their path of recovery. Boulder Care also works with local hospitals etc. to obtain lab and urine screen results. I personally don't see or feel a need for any other outside needs or assistance from any other provider/s and feel like my needs and help is already there and enough with Boulder Care as they're always there and more than happy to listen, help already with all they provide.

I do have a car and there is doctor's office near me. I don't have a primary care physician but I also have a two-year-old and a 13 year old and their dad is an over the road truck driver. Where a lot of the times he's gone for a week at a time, sometimes a month depending on how horrible the pay is. I shouldn't have to drag my two-year-old and my 13 year old if hes not at school to a doctor's office when I am already seeing a doctor over the phone. And I am very honest about what's going on in my life and what I'm doing so I don't see how I should be made to interrupt my daughter and my son's and my day to go to a doctor's office when I am able to just do it on the phone at home and not interrupt any of their schedules. It'll be around her nap time if not. Then it'll be real early or real late in the afternoon when I have to get dinner ready. So I am very against having to physically go to a doctor's office when I am able to video chat with my doctors who are awesome and in my opinion are the best doctors I have ever had that actually care about me. That's the whole reason I am doing Boulder instead of going to a physical doctor. Plus every single time I go to a doctor and they realize and see what my medicine is they treat me less than human, so why would I want to subject myself to going to a doctor? Who doesn't care at all about me when I'm there. I have doctors that care about me and my well being. Thank you for your time.

Boulder became my provider when reliable transportation became nonexistent. Missing appointments became a regular thing and going without my medicine started becoming way too hectic and unbearable. Boulder has made my life so much easier with being convenient. I haven’t went without my medicine and haven’t missed a visit yet. I will forever use Boulder Care as long as they are around!

I think it is kind of absurd to try to make people do this cuz now people that don't have transportation or don't have a doctor or just don't like dealing with people and that's why they do this video, they are now going to take the chance of stopping this all together and going back to their drug addiction. I think that as long as people are doing good the way it is, why change it? I know this program has saved my life and has given me a life back. I am living proof that the program works cuz back in my day I was doing whatever I could, rob, steal, hurt I didn't care. I was a hypocrite. Everything I always preached to my kids not to do I became that person. And now I have a home again, I have my license back, I have transportation, I'm a project coordinator for one of the largest electric companies. I'm very proud of myself and my kids and everybody else is very proud of me. I finally have my life back. And I would never be in this position if I didn't get with a quack doctor that just kept feeding me Percocets and then just stop them all of a sudden. So in other words what I'm getting at here is why change something that's working?

I love my continued care with Boulder. Has been a great help when not having child care to do everything online so I don't have to miss or reschedule in person appointments.

The telecommunications doctor appointments are so much easier with me not having a vehicle. It's sometimes hard to find a ride to make it to all my appointments. With it being on my phone I can do it all right from home and missing an appointment from a no vehicle excuse doesn't happen anymore.

This is why I liked Boulder because there was no waiting and waiting in an office to see everyone you need to see to get your script. Also I don't have to rely on people for a ride. If that don't happened I miss my appointment. This way I don't miss any and don't have to rely on no one besides myself

Boulder Care telemedicine, you guys are LIFESAVERS!!💖 Seriously I was at the end of my rope with my previous in person doctors office. I ALWAYS sit for hours just to be seen and I lost 1 job over having to miss work for my doctor's appointments... so again thank you Boulder 💖 A.K.A-LIFESAVERS💖

I really wouldn't be able to do the one in person visit care because I think I have agoraphobia or social anxiety disorder or something along the lines of that. Because I don't ever leave my house and when I do try I like freak out and I can't get it out of the house. Thank you.

Boulder has been an answered prayer for me. I don’t have much help with my kids so going places are really hard. Since starting Boulder this is the first time I’ve actually felt heard and cared about. I’m just so grateful I can do my appointments at home and I really hope that doesn’t change.

I am so glad you guys have been here to make this even possible, I will always be grateful.

Once I beat this, I wanna help others also. My ranch is a perfect spot to detox. 17 miles from a town. Full of animals

This would make it so much harder on so many of us. We actually get to where we need to be n get another step added on that, alot of us ain't gonna be able to do or handle...

This has been the best experience for me. I am in recovery, have a busy schedule with work, my daughter, school, and home life, so being able to do my appointments from my home on video has been very effective!

Ms. Christine has been there from day one in my recovery. If there's a award for being accessible she deserves it.

I don't drive and don't have a primary doctor. I don't know why this would happen now. I don't wanna see any other doctor. Please do not make this happen. I don't want the other doctor to say that i don't need my prescription. I don't wanna die if I go back to using

I am currently fighting to get my driver's license back after many years of sobriety. Telehealth allows me to get my medicine while going through this process. It will indeed be far more challenging since I live in a fairly rural area now.

Getting addiction help is hard. Believe me I have tried every avenue out there. Having telelehealth access is incredible. For the first time. And it's not going to stay??? What a pity. I think that this could really help if it stays.

I feel that this is unfair, but they are trying to make us do something, specially if it is something that is working. I have tried other treatment programs and this is the first one that has been successful to me seeing as I do not like to be out in public, I’m a homebody and get severe anxiety going out in public around people, other than my family and friends

To be all the way honest, I can't help but think the DEA, and therefore the US government, actually WANTS people in America to die of overdoses. Honestly, think about it a little bit. What other reason could they possibly have for actively trying to keep addicts from getting medicine from a doctor, medicine to safely and effectively treat their addiction and keep them off of the unsafe and potentially deadly street drugs that are running rampant through this country?? I'm seriously asking that question, and so should everyone else. I can't come up with any other logical, plausible reasons why they'd want to put up barriers for receiving treatment. Added barriers means some addicts will fall through the cracks and utilize street opioids rather than Suboxone. Of course, there will inevitably be a percentage of that group of addicts that will overdose and die. That's simple math. Anybody can do it. And that is what the result of the DEA measures will be. It's not a debate, not a discussion. It is simply a fact. [The DEA is trying to enact measures that will result in the untimely demise of Americans that would have otherwise gone on living were it not for the actions of the DEA. What do you call someone who actively tries kill off a percentage of a specific population of human beings? Terrorist? Genocidal warlord? Nope, we call them the DEA.]

I think that it shouldn't have to be a law to have be in-person if you can video call visit, cause a lot people have no transportation because of their addiction and lost everything. That is a huge factor in addiction treatment so I do strongly disagree with these new laws... It's gonna hinder a lot of addicts that want and try to get help for themselves. And there will be more overdose victims and Its gonna be the DEA's fault, failure to have these kinds of options for treatments

I have been with Boulder for about a month now. My life has already grown in so many ways. I am engaged. I am paying my own bills. I work, I am starting my own company. I have tried all of the other places only to be giving all of my time to treatment and never any time on life for myself. I'm an active member in the community and a taxpayer. I am back in my children's life my family allows me to be around again. I have been sober for 7 months and Boulder has worked with me and helped me in all of this. They have open schedules that allow me to be a part of the community and test myself in the things that I have learned in treatment. I am paying my child support now. When before I was having to spend 4 days a week at at another treatment facility where I didn't even get the one-on-one care only to be treated as a number not as a human being or a person. Please think about how effective this program is to someone who wants to be responsible and be a better person. I will gladly talk to anyone and go into more depth about my personal story and how I have tried everything every way to stay sober and it is never worked the way that it does at Boulder.

It is good care. I love it

This is ridiculous. The dea is making it damn near impossible for us too sober. This is bs what they put us through. They should be cracking down on the docs who are pushing the pain pills, not docs like Boulder Care and other places that are trying to help us get sober. Us trying to take the step of getting sober is hard enough for us, then they wanna make it even harder. This irritates me beyond words. Thank u Boulder Care for fighting for us

I need Boulder Care to be all online! I have no car and 3 kids who need a mom who is sober! Don’t take my bupe!

Part of my struggle has been that I’ve kept it very private and away from the public eye. I would have been steered away from getting help when I did or might not have had the time to do it knowing I’d have to “go” to a doctor. That’s part of what kept me from getting help, until I found about Boulder and how it works with you from the privacy of your own home. I believe many feel the same way about having to “go” to a Dr. If it was that easy, many of us would have done it by now.

Doing telehealth is so much easier than going to an actual dr office

Boulder has helped me so much in my addiction prevention and getting help with my MAT treatment and I’m so thankful for them. I have 8 months clean with the help from Boulder telehealth!

Being able to talk to my doctor over video calls helps me cause I saved time on driving. I'm able to do a visit on my lunch break so I don't have to take time off so often just to see my doctor. When I would have to go to a clinic I would have to take half the day if not the whole day off to be able to drive to a clinic that even offers a suboxone program. But with the Boulder Care app, I'm able to meet with my doctor on my lunch break and not have to take time off work all the time and it's so convenient. With being a single parent, I need to work as much as I can so I can afford my bills. And taking time off doesn't help my situation and help me feel like I'm thriving and taking care of my kid the way I'm supposed to. Some people don't work and they're able to go drive an hour to the clinic multiple times a year. Unfortunately I have a job and I'm not trying to live off the state and that isn't a good option for me. The only reason I did it before was because I did not know about Boulder care and know that this was an option. Now that I've been going to Boulder care and using the app I would never go back to an in person clinic. It's not convenient for a person in my situation. Before I felt like going to a doctor's office or clinic I was one out of a 1000 being seen by a doctor. Here on the Boulder app I have a doctor, a care team person, and I can email either 1 and get a response that day. Here I feel like I have a better relationship with my doctor and my care team advocate and I'm able to open up more. I have grown to love my doctor. And if I have to get a new doctor or go see someone else I'm not gonna be able to open up as much and I'm gonna be very sad if I have to get a new doctor.

I believe MAT treatment has saved my life. I don't agree with it not being allowed online because every time I try to go to a clinic, there are people there not serious about recovery. This allows me to work my own recovery program, work a full time job, and still get my medicine. 6 years sober this way.

I sure hope that they do not change the telemedicine law because it is working for me and many others I'm sure. But it has totally changed my life with my support team helping me and especially my clinician who is great and I do not want to lose that. It jerks a tear in my eye just thinking about it, but this is what it comes to I guess... and I do not want to go back to the way of living that I know so much that is so terrible. I have been clean and sober since October of last year. Opiate free and I got to tell you right now I'm a little scared. I don't have any chances left I do know. So I am definitely joining in the fight and you absolutely have my permission to do anything you can to fight this fight and HH just let me know what to do and I will do it. Thank you all so much. I am not a quitter and I'm not going to quit on my sobriety

The reason I did Boulder was is because I was at a regular clinic. Yes right now I have a running vehicle but we’re low income. That’s why we quit the other clinic -- all the running back and forth just do get treatment so it’s hard to keep gas sometimes! Boulder was a game changer when I found out about it. So convient. No gas and it’s all done in the privacy of your home. I’m not sure why u would require a in person visit? What is that gonna do? What’s gonna happen if I couldn’t make it to a visit? I mean everything is done online, you know who you're talking to. U can clearly see! So I hope it don’t change because I’m sorry when someone needs treatment, they need to do it quickly and this is the best way. There’s enough regulations and hoops you already gotta go through why make it harder for people to change and help their lives?!

I share a car. It's hard to get out of work. Hopefully, things won't change. That said, I am staying with Boulder no matter what happens. And I will go to the DEA website. They need to understand how important Boulder care is.

When you jerks make getting my drugs easier than medicine, I for sure will follow the path of least resistance.

The anxiety of adding extra steps to get a medication that stops me from doing things harmful to myself is overwhelming and counterproductive... Attending in person appointments with big pharmaceutical facilities always involves too many hoops to jump through. I'm already working with a therapist and caseworker in my residential facility - both of whom provide continuing positive support - and attending AA meetings to better address my issues. Requiring more off site appointments means more time and difficulty in my schedule... Furthermore, the anxiety associated with additional steps means possible triggers for a relapse for me. Considering what I am already doing to help ensure my sobriety, I feel such additional in person meetings would be more of a hindrance than a help in my case. On the other hand, I agree that there should always be state, federal or local laws that make sure certain medications don't get into the wrong hands and am always open to suggestions for better maintaining my sobriety and improving my life in general.

Having to go into an office once without reliable transportation... would be an absolute detriment to my recovery. And my medical transportation does not have services where I live.

This app has helped change my life please don’t take my treatment away because there would be huge repercussions to all involved. This has changed my life for the better. I do every drug test I am supposed to and pass with flying colors. I have followed every rule, every instruction, ect. This program has changed my life for the better. I am thankful everyday 🙏🏻

Being able to receive treatment & peer guidance through Boulder telehealth is honestly the only thing that’s kept me clean. I have a really hard time going in for appts — I hate going to the doctor or anything, & telehealth has changed my life being able to access care from home. I can’t thank you guys enough for taking me on & providing such great care.

I just pray that it will stay the same. The DEA is always wanting to screw up stuff.

I find it a lot easier and a lot less stressful to do the online telehealth telemedication... I have an addiction as well as I've had surgery on my neck up a part of my back that is botched and very painful... and I could keep my addiction under control better. Thank you

Online recovery is a must. Not everybody has a way to get around. Lots of Walls to climb. A Great Tool for Life, Health, Recovery. PLZ DEA move on. Without theses access just makes problems and tasks greater to achieve.

They have helped me so much and are always there for me. And saved my life.

I do online because I work 10 hours a day. I don’t have time to go somewhere locally. With the video tech we can do everything online on the Boulder app that in person clinics can do.

I am in treatment without the people that I live with ( in a relationship with ) knowing that I am. I just worry it won’t be too private!?

If they take it away from these people out here they'll all go back to drugs. Me too probably it's just hard to get Suboxone. Why I don't know, they just don't want to prescribe it for the people that need it. They'll cause a lot of people to go back if it goes through

I already have enough addiction is enough and when I heard about Boulder and online addiction counseling, I thought -- finally a break. And my life has been going smoothly without having to see a Dr. Every 2 weeks. So I hope and prey the D.E.A. understands we have enough problems, so give us this or make mdma legal again so we can deal with the stress and bullshit

This is so convenient. But not only that I have found this to be so good for my recovery cause when I'm at a clinic I'm always nervous and I find it hard to open up, but being in my home and being comfortable... How i was feeling, what I went through, what I was on in my active addiction, I just felt I could tell them everything, that's how comfortable I feel

I have delt with drug addiction since I was 12. I've done almost every drug u can think. I got high every day for 18 years. Every day I worked a normal job. All at the end I was using meth the most, got in trouble, went to prison for 6 years, and got on your treatment at Boulder Care within two days I was set up. With your program and your help I've been out almost one year and I am doing good, working, got my sons and all and never thought it would be this easy to stay away from drugs that will in the end always ruin anyvthing good in your life. So THANK YOU BOULDER CARE AND SABRINA, AWESOME JOB

I was recently incarcerated for 7 years. I was on the M.A.T program while I was incarcerated, so upon my release I had no idea to continue my care. I was released and just like I thought, I ran into all kinds of trouble getting my dose. I started to go into withdrawals. The county I paroled to barely have care and they treat you like garbage. Just because I'm in recovery and I once was an addict gives you no right to treat me like that. Then I found Boulder Care and they were a miracle. They covered all my needs and treated me like a person. You see what I'm trying to say, you're making a mistake trying to take their care away. People like me and others paroling from prisons and going to counties that have no care for the Suboxone. We actually need them to be successful in our recovery, thank you.

Having the telehealth program has been so great for me because I live pretty far out in the country. It’s helped me financially with gas being so high these days and with my husband currently not having a job. It’s so much more convenient for us to have our appointments over the phone. Not only that but it’s more private, I feel more comfortable in my home to talk about personal stuff that you talk about in recovery. I don’t want to lose this service all because the DEA doesn’t understand the importance of us who are in recovery need to have more private one on one conversations with our appointments. I also have kids who I’m having to pick up from school, take to their sport practices, etc. Being able to have telehealth has been a lifesaver for me to not have to wait at a office for 3 hours just to be seen for a couple of minutes. Please don’t take the telehealth from us because it would really cause a lot problems for me.

Suboxone care through telehealth has saved my life. I don't have transportation at the moment and I'm 29 weeks pregnant and need to be able to get my suboxone to stay on the right path while fighting my addiction. I have been clean for a year now and I'm about to have my first baby and want to stay on the right path. Being able to do my appointment online is life saving and keeps me on the right path. Don't make things harder on people who are trying to live a better life and do things the right way.

I just want to let Boulder know that I appreciate everything so far! Boulder is at the top of the list when it comes to helping the patient, listening to the patient. It's all about the comfort. They understand. And again I really appreciate it, thank you. For everything you've done and are going to do in the future!

If it wasn’t for boulder care, I wouldn’t be able to get my medications that help me stay clean off opiates. I personally struggle with adhd, anxiety, & many other mental health diagnosis that affect the way I live. Most of the time these conditions prevent me from making routine doctors appointments, working a steady job/schedule, keeping up with plans, and keeping up with many other general but important priorities. Because Boulder care is telemedicine, I am able to receive reminders on my phone & complete my appointments on time & I even enjoy it now. I use to hate having to get ready for a doctors appointment, trying to find transportation, having to bundle up (Oregon is RAINY!). It’s just a HUGE hassle to have to go somewhere when I can complete what I need to complete in the comfort of my home & not having to worry about 1) how many anxiety attacks will I have on my way to my 10 minute appointment that’s 45 mins away from home …. Or 2) how am I going to come up with gas money for my friend to take me 45 mins away just to see a doctor for 5 mins and be sent back home? … Telemedicine is AMAZING AND HELPFUL IN SO MAANY WAYS ! I can’t afford to have to make any changes at the moment, Boulder care has made my life so much more easier, convenient, & has lifted a weight off my shoulders.

I like the fact because of my anxiety that I don't have to do in person... it is really good for my recovery and I'm nervous about the changes

Thank you.

When freedom of care is violated, one must truly take a look at their so called government.

This would make me getting my meds extremely difficult. I'm in school full time plus I have a baby and my wife works and I don't drive

The government is comically filled with tyrannical moral busybodies who are so goddammn retarded they can't figure out that extra laws and hoops to jump through do not stop criminals. Criminals don't follow the law. To me, that's an oxymoronic statement- It might not even be oxy- But apparently the morons in government need to hear it... or worse, they are underhanded and just trying to hurt those they don't like...Regardless, all this crap does is creates a crime syndicate underground to meet demand. That is, instead of using simple, quick methods to pay trained professionals, they are creating business for the drug trade and criminals to run the show.

There are people who can not access addiction care. It is known that there is an opiate crisis and people are dying from unintentional overdoses. If telemedicine saves people's lives then don't add a road block to the process by requiring in-person visits to an addiction specialist or any doctor. One issue that I haven't seen brought up is that shame will prevent someone to seek medical care in the traditional in-person model to treat thier addiction. My primary care doctor recommended Boulder Care to me for this reason. There are complications I discovered trying to find an addiction Dr. The two I contacted required for me to change my primary care to them. This is a problem because I have a heath issue that is not common, but my primary care doctor is an expert in this area. Because of shame that prevents people from reaching out, the lack of access to care in some locations and the lack of control over the entirety of your medical care, please do not require in-person visits for medical care and specifically addiction medical care.

Still have to worry about the "cops."

It would really inconvenience me and my family if they took away my care from Boulder. There isn’t any clinics close to me and I don’t have reliable transportation to get an hour to an hour and a half away which is what I would have to do if they got rid of Boulder. My medicine saved my life

If it wasn't for all of the people that work at Boulder, I wouldn't know where I would be. Because they have helped a lot of people when there wasn't anybody else would help us

The thing I love about Boulder is that not only do I get to be in the comfort of my own home, is that since being in recovery I haven't been judged for falling off the wagon, or for being an addict in the first place. If this in person visit becomes something required I don't know if that Dr is going to be judging me harshly, making me feel like trash for being an addict. Boulder also works with my work schedule, and Dr offices have hours that don't always work for me.

Personally only speaking for myself, but Boulder is the best thing that has happened to me. It's so convenient and I can have my appointment whereever I'm at. When I became a Boulder patient a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. I'm happier now than what I was before Boulder

Don't let the feds stop helping people. Your program is great.

The main reason I do telemedicine is because not only transportation is hard, I oddly hate to leave my house I really like boulder the way it is... Why does DEA enjoy making it harder to get maintenance meds but herion is ungoverned on every corner!? I love my care team and terms as is

I think this is crazy ridiculous

A Telehealth Visit is Such a Big DEAL for me. I'm able to Speak with My Care Advocate Team Online, I dont have to Worry about finding Transportation to and From My appointment. or how I am going to get my Everyday Medications. Its so convient because i am not able to pick up keys to get into a car drive. So No medicine because no license. My life is so stress-free now because My team has helped me achieve A Stress-free Life and that is Really Important in My Sobriety

You guys are amazing!!! Any way I can help I'm here!!! You guys have changed my life for the better!!!

Amazing program I love it everyone is so nice and caring and it’s just a amazing team

That new proposed rule is ridiculous, I'm glad Boulder is fighting it.

How will you help patients locate and make an appointment for an in person visit? With these changes and the ongoing changes with multiple pharmacies, I already had an appointment with a local facility that prescribes Suboxone, however right now they only allow clients to be seen as far out as monthly. Being clean& sober over 7 years, I think every 3 months, or my last doctor saw me every 6 months, is reasonable, especially since I went through the protocols successfully. This is very upsetting and I’d like to know what Boulder is going to do if this goes into effect? I am willing to voice my opinion to the DEA when you have a way to do so.

This is horrible... it takes one person to miss one appointment and it could be life or death :(

People have to have this option available to them. Haven't we seen enough death over this whole addiction nightmare? The more ways out cannot be wrong.

Some people can not show up in person most of the time cuz maybe no job no transportation. that's why they r doing telehealth. and while I've been with Boulder care telehealth, i have been staying clean and sober cuz I don't have to ever worry about missing a Dr appointment and end up being very sick cuz of not being able to attend a Dr appointment cuz of complications with transportation. all I have to do is pick up my phone and I'm there. and before they say medical cars can transport, well I've tried that and ended up not making my drs appointment cuz for some reason they have to cancel or just show up late. then I'm out just can't get there, so ya that's happened to me a lot with that way and I don't have a driver's license or cash to pay for a ride

I have no vehicle and I am currently in an undesirable situation in life. Boulder care has been a god send for me to jump start my recovery and attempts to stabilize my life starting with my mental weaknesses i.e. addiction assistance and counselling by peers who have been through the same stuff. And I am always on the defense of this type of care because y'all don't know what each of us is dealing with and going through. I have attempted suicide before. Took a pistol to my head and pulled the trigger. Yeah, I said what I said. After some sort of angel Interfering with that, I heard about Boulder care and I haven't ever been that low since. I know they have helped to save my life and can attest to the facts that I ain't the only one who feels that way.

I’m grateful to have this option to help me become a better person and drug free. I’m not always able to get to appointments l do not have a car and without boulder care I would still be using drugs every single day. If a person wants to quit drugs they don’t always need to go to a group setting. Also I have adhd and anxiety and sitting in those environments really stress me out. This program saves lives I don’t know why anyone would want to change it

Without Boulder care I would already have relapsed, but now ever since I've been with them I've been focusing on my life goals and completing each one at a time. I really appreciate them doing everything that they do for me. I've been clean for almost one month now and if it wasn't for them I don't know what I would do.

Telehealth is a necessary advancement in technology and there should be more legislation that encourages this type of accessibility, not more restrictions such as the DEA proposed rule changes. As a father of four, a full time graduate student and a full-time job.

If I have to come in for an appointment that would make things really difficult for me

Boulder care telemedicine really helps me due to the fact that I work full time 2nd shift and dont have a lot of time for in person appointments. The outside doctors i do see are only once every 6 months so I dont have to worry about making time every month/week before working all day to see them. This program has probably saved my life. And to be able to reach out to Boulder anytime and get help is very comforting and so is the monthly counseling with someone who has been in my shoes. Thank you for helping me.

I want to stay with Boulder

I believe this could possibly make me getting my medicine harder and in many way's hinder my recovery by missing work and having less money because I have to take off and run around town to go to a clinic for this needless meeting. I believe it's a waste of time and it's difficult for many men and women to get help with treatment and to stay in recovery as it is.

If I would have to I would go like one visit but great things about Boulder is I don't have ever leave my home. It's so hard for me to get in and out to appt. I have nothing but great things to say about Boulder care and my team. I've been a nurse for 30 years snd I know all so well the challenges of patient care . Thank you guys for all you time and effort you made for me.

My life has changed ever since I started there. Thank you... for all your help n support

People in addiction or who have been previously in addiction sometimes are without a, home, a car or a job. Telehealth is beneficial for people like us. Being able to have over the phone face to face counseling sessions & therapy without leaving your home or wherever you are. It is completely right at your finger tips. I am so grateful to say this ideal treatment is crucial for people like me. Currently my car just broke down & without Boulder I would be without my medication. Thank you for your time & just listening to people who struggle with addiction. This has clearly made my recovery easier. God Bless...

I would love to give a testimonial and share how your program is allowing me to live a normal life and work a job without the stresses of of being at a clinic for 4 and 5 days a week or whatever ridiculous rules they place on you. I would love to have a chance to speak my mind and help you guys in any way I can.

I would love to be able to share my story and advocate how telemeicine has really helped me in my journey.

I hope Boulder is here to stay, it helps me so much more than anything has ever helped me. And I don't have a car or license, so it would really be a problem for me to get anywhere. I just hope to stay. They have helped me tremendously. I can work now, my pain is manageable

Some people can't make it to a physical place all the time and within the addiction society it's even harder when we are trying to get to meetings, fight our addiction, get counseling, work a program, go to work, and spend time with kids/family. I know these all sound like excuses but they are not they are reasonable explanations

It will make it harder on people who have trouble getting to the doctor and for people to work. You would have to take time off work to go to doctor. Plus it makes people who are ashamed of their addiction less likely to seek help. Telemedicine makes it easier for people and convenient.

Working with my care team through Boulder has been such a life saver for me and makes things so much easier for me as well! My Boulder clinician is so amazing! She listens to what I have to say with no judgement being passed, she has worked with me to get my medicine at a level that curves my cravings for my d.o.c. she didn't give up on me and has been there the entire way to help me. And my Peer Support worker has been just as amazing as my clinician! She has supported me in this sobriety journey and has made suggestions that helped her in her journey of sobriety that I have implemented into my journey and has helped me so much! Way easier and more convenient then an in person appointment because they are always at my finger tips at anytime when I need someone positive to talk to!

Some people travel for a living and it’s hard to get into a clinic appointment, so doing it online for us that travel is more convenient and way more helpful to our sobriety -- without the stress of missing an appointment or work

Living in a rural area, having found you guys was a life saver. Especially someone with severe PTSD, it's been truly a life saver being able to do telehealth. Whatever we can do to be a voice and speak up about this. Consider all the people this would truly effect in a negative way

In a small town like [redacted] telemedicine has helped me be able to get the treatment that I need please don't stop this telemedicine treatment thank you

I personally would not like that change to occur. One, I would not be as more comfortable talking with my counselor getting out the things I need to say if I was not in the comfort of my own home and I bet a lot of addicts will feel that way. When you're in the comfort of your own home just that you're comfortable. And when things pop up, you might want to say them and then it'll be better in the long run because you're only as sick as the secrets that you keep. And the favorite one of mine is if nothing changes nothing changes and going to the same old place to get the same old meds getting the same old counselor and the same old room is going to keep you locked up in your mind. I love Boulder care. It kind of fell into my lap and I thought well that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, and then if you just try a little bit you start appreciating the little things. Boulder care has done way more for me than any other regularly attended doctor did. I mean they seem to care more. I just do not want that change to take an effect at all, I'm perfectly happy where I'm at. Maybe this time I will succeed

The point of teleamedicine is in the name! This should be an infringement of our rights to fair and safe medical practices and privacy. This is about big pharma not getting to be a part of people's recovery and their ultimate successes. If we do not speak up and say no, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. You are only our recognized authority to make and uphold just and fair laws, when you make and choose for your own agendas you no longer govern for the people but yourselves

I just want to let Boulder know I will happily help, in any way, because Telehealth has most likely saved my life! My entire family is greatly appreciative of the services provided by Boulder.

Telemedicine as a whole and boulder more directly has enabled me to get off of and remain completely clean of fentynal. One of the scariest, most difficult hurdles of my life. Through Boulder, I've revived hold of my family, my finances, my career, and am now doing better in life than I was even before substance abuse. Thank you, and let me know if i can help.

The only concern I have with that is transportation. I do not have a license and still working on getting a birth certificate to obtain an ID, so depending on where the location would be for the meeting, I don't know if I'd be able to make it there unless I had a couple days in advance to obtain a ride

I'm glad we have a place to meet and to continue our care.

I really hope it doesn't change. I'm comfortable doing what I am doing over the phone.

I've been successful without a single relapse in over 10 years. I'm an IT engineer making 120k a year... This will only hurt working people. Yes it may be needed for some but there's so many successful people that this would get in the way.

I would be happy to write something expressing my opposition to the proposed rule changes. I will keep an eye out for communication from Boulder re: how I can best support the cause.

I go through online doctors because of the anxiety I endure while trying to attend my M.A.T. treatment... just got a message about still having to see a doctor physically in person... No wonder most of today's society is addicted to drugs and afraid to ask for help... because the government only looks at us junkies as one thing, junkies! If I have to go back through that crap with them judgemental doctors, I'll quit the MAT program and see how long I can do it on my own... it's sad that no one wants to truly help people like me. The govt. pays doctors to help "junkies" like me, and they're just making it harder and harder... if this new law passes, I'm done with MAT services and hope for the best with the outcome of my future... Thanks to those who truly do care and have tried to help me along the way...

I am willing to make a statement on behalf of the treatment that I have received and how the convenience of telemedicine has helped. I would also share the gratitude that I feel in regards to being able to get my treatment over the zoom meetings and how much more comfortable it’s made me with the process .

I have had very little luck with local agencies, treatment programs, meetings, but absolutely have found that with Boulder Care. My treatment does not interrupt my schedule or my life with unnecessary meetings and groups. Boulder has enabled me to maintain my life while treating my addiction and helping me with outlets for my grief and anxiety.

I live in [a rural area] and travel for work. How would I do an in person visit?

I am a long-term patient that has a great relationship with my doctor and I love the ability to be able to do all of these visits on the go. I work full time have 2 children and go to college full time. Making it to actual physical appointments is hard with a busy schedule like mine.

I think that it's a huge mistake -- what can an in person visit do that u can't do during a zoom meeting? It makes no sense. Just another hoop for someone who is trying to get help to jump through. What if u don't have transportation? What u don't deserve to be treated?

I can't stand be around people and I believe being around other addicts some times just don't fit my rehab

I will do anything it takes to continue my telemedicine visits. You all are wonderful and have been a huge help for me! I value Bolder and want to fight this change.

Using Boulder care has without a doubt improved the quality of my life. Before learning about Boulder care my choices were a doctor who treated me so poorly I had extreme anxiety around, or one so expensive I was priced out of treatment and medication. During my first visit with Boulder Care I actually cried with relief.

Ever since I have been a client with Boulder care, I am respected and not judged for being a addict. [Sabrina neely has been so awesome and wonderful Sarah my peer recovery specialist has also been so awesome and wonderful can't say enough wonderful things about Boulder care because I have been treated so well Boulder care made me a much better person also] I have my life back, so telehealth medicine is the true honest way for anyone who really wants to turn their life around. So keep up the wonderful work and thumbs-up to Boulder care

I have been clean 12 years and telehealth is the only way for me to get treatment since my vehicle broke down

I think this is a great program

I don’t think this is fair

I have been here for over a year and it's the best! I like how convenient everything is and how nice every one is! I have had 3 different providers and they made me feel more then welcome!

I work full time. And on 3rds this is the best way I’ve found to get what I need. I also don’t have reliable transportation to anywhere besides work

The care we receive now makes life a lot simpler and keeps our sober support more broadened and the more we have the better for long term sobriety

A programs like yours is more likely to succeed in growing support and care that’s necessary for people like myself to find the path they we need to make a 100 % recovery from the use of illicit drugs. It’s so much easier than having to go to 2 appts each week when all u need is to stay home

I will assist you in any way I can to stop this from happening. I think we can get this new rule stopped. It's completely stupid what they are proposing.

Listen I just started with this place and it truly has been a life saver. I have been an addict off and on for like 17 years and have tried many times to get clean in my own. Yes, I tried Suboxone once before but I wasn't truly ready to be clean, but I have been working so hard to get my life back on track for a job and my famliy. back to me getting put on subs cause I have no want to do drugs. This place has helped me and I really feel that it would be a great help to many other people that aren't able to make it to appointments due to immobility or other reasons, cause life is hard, so losing a place like this would be harmful to people that are trying to change their lives. So they don't have to end up having to deal with the DEA on their own do to a relapse

this new rule would heavily affect my life as I have a 1 year old son and am in college most of the day. it would severely limit my ability to get the help and medication I need

An individual insight on telehealth's personal benefit and necessity: .... For someone like me that has been in intensive recovery for more than just a few months, this is a uniquely practical program. Being that I went to an inpatient 30 day program that served me very well (more than any, "detox", ever had before) and also, voluntarily had a 3 month stay in a sober living facility I feel that I like many others in the same program that had the approximate same amount of time, (in recovery) were/are ready for the next step. Many others became employed; I, unfortunately, have many medical appointments (for issues that would surely hinder that commitment to employment) that require a great deal of time and travel almost every day each week. In my one-sided experience, visual examinations on video call (with a fair amount of lighting) revealed much more than many may believe about a person's status regarding their sobriety. This mentioned out of assumption that there is some concern of dishonesty of a few who with the expertise of the care team would not make it very far. I personally could not reason with the denial of access to a service that could save many lives. Lives that are possibly holding by a thread. Lives whose only option for whatever reason might be, a telehealth visit. That small amount of hope could be the sowing of a seed that, possibly and/or eventually, could be the very beginning of a long and successful road down recovery lane...

This program means a lot to me because I don't drive, have never had a license, and have no other transportation. Plus I have babies I take care of. It would be hard for me to even do a visit in a office. Also everyone at Boulder's is so loving n caring, idk where I'd be today with out them. thank u

What are they trying to do are they trying to take are meds from us?

Boulder care is why I am drug& alcohol free. I received more support & attention from everyone at Boulder that I never received at a medical office.

This terrifies me as I can't drive so if they change the rules this may be extremely hard for me! I love The Boulder app and care team are the Greatest!

Being able to quickly access a provider and receiving a MAT, was necessary at the time. The most convenient feature is being able to meet with a professional anywhere and at almost anytime. Personally speaking, I think once annually would be okay- and for some possibly prove beneficial. I am hopeful that nothing changes with Boulder Care.

Defeats the purpose of doing this.

I think it not right

I think if people are trying to get help we should be able to with out jumping thru a million hoops. Most addicts are on the bottom of the pool and work blue collar jobs that can’t just take off work to go see a doctor. That’s why I never got help before because clinics were just to much time and I work 7 days a week. I personally think the government is making it hard for us to get off their meds, big pharma it’s a corrupt system and they are trying to make it we’re we have no choice but take their opioids they knew were going to ruin the lower class and still doing it

Well I do not have transportation so it's hard really hard to make my appointment. I have to use wifi as is. The bus line does not run past my house AT ALL btw

I think making more road blocks for addicts will lead to more deaths. It’s difficult as it is keeping appts and showing up. As long as we take our drug trust and our meds this shouldn’t be a thing. I’m tired of the DEA trying to control every aspect of medical care. To chronic pain patients, mental health, and addicts, it’s detrimental to society!!

Telemedicine has been a major help in my life. I don't have transportation and I don't live on the bus route so this has been a God send. So please don't take away this program

I believe that this change may make a few people or more, shy away from the program. It is my belief that the government should listen to the providers. Yes there is a definite rise in drug use. But the government is a big part of the problem by not stopping it at the source.and waiting for the problem to grow. [China doesn't need guns, they just send more drugs. Enough from me.]

This makes everything easy to do and you don't have to leave your house. This has helped me Alot. I'm already tired of going to my other doctors thank you and God bless y'all.

This does scare me, but I trust that you will take care of me. Thank you,

This is so upsetting to us because it's always a fight getting to a place with our car issues. And not only that, I'm very sick! It's hard on me getting out and about sometimes! This just really saddens us because what if we can't make that one appointment? Then what? Then we lose everything an all this was for nothing ! 😞

To whom it may concern, I am dual diagnosed with bipolar 1 with psychotic features, PTSD and TBI. It is becoming increasingly more difficult to get to outside appointments, that is why I was so excited to find out about Boulder Care online treatment for medication assisted treatment, a necessary part of my medical treatment. My 75 year old mother is actually having to take me to most of my doctor's appointments now. To get the medication I need to live a better life, my mom was actually driving me and two other disabled individuals, both physically and emotionally, almost every week to our last MAT program. Not only would it be traumatic to see a new doctor I am not familiar with (because of war veteran quality PTSD), it would disrupt the continuity of treatment. The care I am getting at Boulder is available 24/7, 7 days a week. I have utilized their oncall doctor in the middle of the night, and can reach my peer support all week. My peer support Sarah calls back within an hour. Dr Drew makes himself available, and answers me in seconds. They have helped me transition to Boulder Care, and to live a safer, better life helping others and living up to my potential. It is not easy to change providers, let alone alternate between them... Living life as someone dual diagnosed is hard enough. We should be trying to ease patients fears and trepidation about getting clean and sober, not make it more difficult. Thank you Boulder Care for being the foundation of my support program as I trudge along the road of happy destiny.

Living so far from any large town has always presented obstacles to get the meds needed to obtain sobriety. Boulder care finally gave me that option of not being married to a clinic which is all that ever held me back.

This program has changed - no saved - my life and my family has noticed a huge difference and is trusting me again. It's been amazing to finally live whatever you consider a normal life. I am truly grateful for this program. If I'm unable to have this program, I'm not sure my sobriety will stay in place much longer after it gets discontinued. I truly hope we can keep this program.

Boulder has helped me tremendously. I have been able to get back to work without interruptions like having to leave work to go to classes and or pick up my prescriptions. Boulder has assigned me with an amazing team to help me through my recovery.

This program has helped me & im keeping my fingers crossed that telemed will continue to stay open & continue to help the people that are in need of this. Thank you Boulder 😊

It's always something. If you need me to be a voice I'll be there.

I spent nearly 15 yrs in Healthcare industry in many compacities even administrative so I'm familar with loss of profits. But medicine is an art form always evolving; science & evidence based science advances as well; this why it's called practice of medicine as it's suppose to be flexible so from artistic form it accepts better ways in treating conditions. Them asking to get rid of telemedicine is wrong as us addicts have to use all sorts of tools in order to stay sober. I'd like to fight this so recovery has the option of telemedicine bc I have a positive story & love to show them how far they are missing the mark on this matter. Thanks

This avenue of care has brought me back to a functioning member of society. And with that I’m able to share my experiences good and bad with others in seek of getting back to a normal life [and not out giving certain groups of individuals ( Ex. GOVERNMENT AFFILIATED GROUPS ) to be specific….] I can tell you this if they were to do something to this care outlet or any others like it they will see a drastic increase in people that will completely stop giving a damn about something they have had to work so extremely hard at maintaining every single night and day just to have it in ripped away.

They have helped me out alot and love all my team,they make sure I stay on top of everything. I have gotten alot out of them.

I fully understand that everything happens for a reason. This makes me feel a bit on edge that this is something that others and myself have to go through thinking about, especially this early in my recovery. I hope that everything works out and goes like originally as I started. I appreciate that my doctor, nurse practitioner and counselor is going to do their very best to continue with helping us and not let us down the best they can know matter what. Even if it takes some mild changes. Thank you all for being so caring.

I will be happy to stand with Boulder and give my testimony against the changes. Whatever I have to do I am on board. I love Boulder ❤️🙏

So far I've really enjoyed boulder cares quality of care. Everyone's been very nice.

This is something that has saved my life and kept me sober. My favorite part is how I can do from my own home. I've got kids and animals and no car. I live with very little income. To make an in person visit would be so hard and would cost me in finding transportation. I love where my life is with my doctor. It’s not like we don’t see each other during our visits, this is absurd to change anything.

I may not be able to find local treatment and may make it impossible for me to continue my treatment .

I'm not sure if it's going to help at all. Like in my situation. I currently don't have a vehicle. So it would make it quite difficult.

I would like to say thank u for everything u do for us. My life is so much better since this started I have always had trouble making appointments and getting my medicine that I need thanks to boulder I have gotten back on track

This has been a blessing 2 me. Support u 100%.

I have a hard time doing in person. Anxiety and everything. Living in a small town and going to the dr for suboxone can be very embarrassing

My doctor is amazing although it is through telemedicine we have a personal relationship and I have an attachment to her, a real connection. She has supported me through more than just addiction and now I have 30 days clean again and just for today I'm clean another day and my 8 month old baby has her mom back. Thank you boulder care.

This place saved my life I'm forever grateful to be off of herion alone of people won't walk into traditional doctors offices for fear of ridicule or judgement from members of the community once people know your a herion addict they think you ll steal from them or other illegal activities I go to work everyday I raise my children this app gave me the courage to fight my addiction I have along ways to go but I'm off herion because of the medicine I'm prescribed if it wasn't for Boulder I would still be on herion

I am 100% on board with providing my voice in support of Boulder, as a person who came from in-person services, I can tell you it didn't work for me. I look forward to voicing the reasons why. Boulder changed my life! It amazes me that society is fully aware of the epidemic and yet shaming and judging isn't enough they want to create barriers to recovery.

Don’t make it harder for people seeking help because a lot of people do not have transportation

I would definitely love to advocate on behalf of the Telehealth patient community, and voice my opinion and concerns about this potential FDA change. Telehealth treatment had positively impacted my life in so many ways! I anticipate sharing this with others so that I may continue with my recovery feeling as a normal human being.

I don't agree with the changes they are proposing. That is a big reason people in addiction start going somewhere else is because the companies keep changing things

Hear what’s at stake from the people who matter most: the patients who will be directly impacted by the DEA’s proposal.

I don't see any difference that could be made by a face to face meeting that could be made compared to a video call. And a lot of people that are fighting addiction have no way of getting anywhere due to the fact that the addiction took everything. The convenience of the video call is life saver to alot of Boulder's clients.

I did in-clinic methadone for many years. It was always hard. I have issues with leaving my home... And telemedicine has been a total help. I am comfortable... And well served by their staff.

I work in a job that does not approve for me to be in MAT so the privacy that Boulder provides and the way they make everything so easy to do my appointments and such, I would hate for this to happen! I am able to attend appointments easier due to not having to travel in car, fit time in my very busy schedule, and worry about my privacy being violated. I will do whatever i can to assist in Boulder fighting against this! I have never had such a professional group of people assisting with my recovery!

The reason I am able to fight against my addiction solely relies on telehealth. If I did not have Boulder Care I just wouldn’t have done it. For a lot of people it’s the discreetness of telehealth that makes it possible for them to get clean and fight their addiction. For me there was no way I was going to admit to my family that I had an addiction to opiates let alone go into treatment for it. The programs around here to get help would make me travel 45 minutes everyday to get one dose until I built up enough trust (I guess) to get my own prescription, I would’ve never been able to get through this without Boulder Care’s telemedicine, and the DEA forcing us to see a clinician might take this option away from a lot of people. I work in care coordination and when I tell people in our community about Boulder Care I can hear the excitement and hope in their voices that they may actually be able to continue their lives and get treatment at the same time. I wouldn’t want something like this to hinder that.

I love Boulder Care and the telehealth system, it's the whole reason I switched. I have a sick wife and mother in law that I care for plus a bad vehicle situation and it has so much easier. I have received fantastic care and I can't imagine how seeing a doctor in person would add to it. I really hope the people trying this take into account stories like this and don't ruin a great thing for many many people. Thank you

This is so convenient. But not only that I have found this to be so good for my recovery cause when I'm at a clinic I'm always nervous and I find it hard to open up, but being in my home and being comfortable... How i was feeling, what I went through, what I was on in my active addiction, I just felt I could tell them everything, that's how comfortable I feel

I just want to let Boulder know that I appreciate everything so far! Boulder is at the top of the list when it comes to helping the patient, listening to the patient. It's all about the comfort. They understand. And again I really appreciate it, thank you. For everything you've done and are going to do in the future!

If it wasn’t for boulder care, I wouldn’t be able to get my medications that help me stay clean off opiates. I personally struggle with adhd, anxiety, & many other mental health diagnosis that affect the way I live. Most of the time these conditions prevent me from making routine doctors appointments, working a steady job/schedule, keeping up with plans, and keeping up with many other general but important priorities. Because Boulder care is telemedicine, I am able to receive reminders on my phone & complete my appointments on time & I even enjoy it now. I use to hate having to get ready for a doctors appointment, trying to find transportation, having to bundle up (Oregon is RAINY!). It’s just a HUGE hassle to have to go somewhere when I can complete what I need to complete in the comfort of my home & not having to worry about 1) how many anxiety attacks will I have on my way to my 10 minute appointment that’s 45 mins away from home …. Or 2) how am I going to come up with gas money for my friend to take me 45 mins away just to see a doctor for 5 mins and be sent back home? … Telemedicine is AMAZING AND HELPFUL IN SO MAANY WAYS ! I can’t afford to have to make any changes at the moment, Boulder care has made my life so much more easier, convenient, & has lifted a weight off my shoulders.

The thing I love about Boulder is that not only do I get to be in the comfort of my own home, is that since being in recovery I haven't been judged for falling off the wagon, or for being an addict in the first place. If this in person visit becomes something required I don't know if that Dr is going to be judging me harshly, making me feel like trash for being an addict. Boulder also works with my work schedule, and Dr offices have hours that don't always work for me.

I have delt with drug addiction since I was 12. I've done almost every drug u can think. I got high every day for 18 years. Every day I worked a normal job. All at the end I was using meth the most, got in trouble, went to prison for 6 years, and got on your treatment at Boulder Care within two days I was set up. With your program and your help I've been out almost one year and I am doing good, working, got my sons and all and never thought it would be this easy to stay away from drugs that will in the end always ruin anyvthing good in your life. So THANK YOU BOULDER CARE AND SABRINA, AWESOME JOB

If it wasn't for all of the people that work at Boulder, I wouldn't know where I would be. Because they have helped a lot of people when there wasn't anybody else would help us

I like the fact because of my anxiety that I don't have to do in person... it is really good for my recovery and I'm nervous about the changes

Thank you.

Having the telehealth program has been so great for me because I live pretty far out in the country. It’s helped me financially with gas being so high these days and with my husband currently not having a job. It’s so much more convenient for us to have our appointments over the phone. Not only that but it’s more private, I feel more comfortable in my home to talk about personal stuff that you talk about in recovery. I don’t want to lose this service all because the DEA doesn’t understand the importance of us who are in recovery need to have more private one on one conversations with our appointments. I also have kids who I’m having to pick up from school, take to their sport practices, etc. Being able to have telehealth has been a lifesaver for me to not have to wait at a office for 3 hours just to be seen for a couple of minutes. Please don’t take the telehealth from us because it would really cause a lot problems for me.

When freedom of care is violated, one must truly take a look at their so called government.

It would really inconvenience me and my family if they took away my care from Boulder. There isn’t any clinics close to me and I don’t have reliable transportation to get an hour to an hour and a half away which is what I would have to do if they got rid of Boulder. My medicine saved my life

I was recently incarcerated for 7 years. I was on the M.A.T program while I was incarcerated, so upon my release I had no idea to continue my care. I was released and just like I thought, I ran into all kinds of trouble getting my dose. I started to go into withdrawals. The county I paroled to barely have care and they treat you like garbage. Just because I'm in recovery and I once was an addict gives you no right to treat me like that. Then I found Boulder Care and they were a miracle. They covered all my needs and treated me like a person. You see what I'm trying to say, you're making a mistake trying to take their care away. People like me and others paroling from prisons and going to counties that have no care for the Suboxone. We actually need them to be successful in our recovery, thank you.

Suboxone care through telehealth has saved my life. I don't have transportation at the moment and I'm 29 weeks pregnant and need to be able to get my suboxone to stay on the right path while fighting my addiction. I have been clean for a year now and I'm about to have my first baby and want to stay on the right path. Being able to do my appointment online is life saving and keeps me on the right path. Don't make things harder on people who are trying to live a better life and do things the right way.

Still have to worry about the "cops."

There are people who can not access addiction care. It is known that there is an opiate crisis and people are dying from unintentional overdoses. If telemedicine saves people's lives then don't add a road block to the process by requiring in-person visits to an addiction specialist or any doctor. One issue that I haven't seen brought up is that shame will prevent someone to seek medical care in the traditional in-person model to treat thier addiction. My primary care doctor recommended Boulder Care to me for this reason. There are complications I discovered trying to find an addiction Dr. The two I contacted required for me to change my primary care to them. This is a problem because I have a heath issue that is not common, but my primary care doctor is an expert in this area. Because of shame that prevents people from reaching out, the lack of access to care in some locations and the lack of control over the entirety of your medical care, please do not require in-person visits for medical care and specifically addiction medical care.

Personally only speaking for myself, but Boulder is the best thing that has happened to me. It's so convenient and I can have my appointment whereever I'm at. When I became a Boulder patient a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. I'm happier now than what I was before Boulder

This would make me getting my meds extremely difficult. I'm in school full time plus I have a baby and my wife works and I don't drive

The government is comically filled with tyrannical moral busybodies who are so goddammn retarded they can't figure out that extra laws and hoops to jump through do not stop criminals. Criminals don't follow the law. To me, that's an oxymoronic statement- It might not even be oxy- But apparently the morons in government need to hear it... or worse, they are underhanded and just trying to hurt those they don't like...Regardless, all this crap does is creates a crime syndicate underground to meet demand. That is, instead of using simple, quick methods to pay trained professionals, they are creating business for the drug trade and criminals to run the show.

Having to go into an office once without reliable transportation... would be an absolute detriment to my recovery. And my medical transportation does not have services where I live.

Online recovery is a must. Not everybody has a way to get around. Lots of Walls to climb. A Great Tool for Life, Health, Recovery. PLZ DEA move on. Without theses access just makes problems and tasks greater to achieve.

I do online because I work 10 hours a day. I don’t have time to go somewhere locally. With the video tech we can do everything online on the Boulder app that in person clinics can do.

They have helped me so much and are always there for me. And saved my life.

I already have enough addiction is enough and when I heard about Boulder and online addiction counseling, I thought -- finally a break. And my life has been going smoothly without having to see a Dr. Every 2 weeks. So I hope and prey the D.E.A. understands we have enough problems, so give us this or make mdma legal again so we can deal with the stress and bullshit

If they take it away from these people out here they'll all go back to drugs. Me too probably it's just hard to get Suboxone. Why I don't know, they just don't want to prescribe it for the people that need it. They'll cause a lot of people to go back if it goes through

This app has helped change my life please don’t take my treatment away because there would be huge repercussions to all involved. This has changed my life for the better. I do every drug test I am supposed to and pass with flying colors. I have followed every rule, every instruction, ect. This program has changed my life for the better. I am thankful everyday 🙏🏻

I just pray that it will stay the same. The DEA is always wanting to screw up stuff.

I am in treatment without the people that I live with ( in a relationship with ) knowing that I am. I just worry it won’t be too private!?

The anxiety of adding extra steps to get a medication that stops me from doing things harmful to myself is overwhelming and counterproductive... Attending in person appointments with big pharmaceutical facilities always involves too many hoops to jump through. I'm already working with a therapist and caseworker in my residential facility - both of whom provide continuing positive support - and attending AA meetings to better address my issues. Requiring more off site appointments means more time and difficulty in my schedule... Furthermore, the anxiety associated with additional steps means possible triggers for a relapse for me. Considering what I am already doing to help ensure my sobriety, I feel such additional in person meetings would be more of a hindrance than a help in my case. On the other hand, I agree that there should always be state, federal or local laws that make sure certain medications don't get into the wrong hands and am always open to suggestions for better maintaining my sobriety and improving my life in general.

Being able to receive treatment & peer guidance through Boulder telehealth is honestly the only thing that’s kept me clean. I have a really hard time going in for appts — I hate going to the doctor or anything, & telehealth has changed my life being able to access care from home. I can’t thank you guys enough for taking me on & providing such great care.

I find it a lot easier and a lot less stressful to do the online telehealth telemedication... I have an addiction as well as I've had surgery on my neck up a part of my back that is botched and very painful... and I could keep my addiction under control better. Thank you

I think that it shouldn't have to be a law to have be in-person if you can video call visit, cause a lot people have no transportation because of their addiction and lost everything. That is a huge factor in addiction treatment so I do strongly disagree with these new laws... It's gonna hinder a lot of addicts that want and try to get help for themselves. And there will be more overdose victims and Its gonna be the DEA's fault, failure to have these kinds of options for treatments

It is good care. I love it

It would make it very difficult for people like myself to do this when we do not have a vehicle to make it to in person appointments. This is the whole reason that I joined Boulder Care.

I am 100% on board with providing my voice in support of Boulder, as a person who came from in-person services, I can tell you it didn't work for me. I look forward to voicing the reasons why. Boulder changed my life! It amazes me that society is fully aware of the epidemic and yet shaming and judging isn't enough they want to create barriers to recovery.

Because of boulder being in another state, along with my clinician, I would find it hard to make 1 in person requirement difficult. Boulder is the most legitimate addiction program I have been apart of and I'm thankful everyday that I am apart of it. They have stayed on top of my drug screens and have been there every step of the way throughout my sobriety. If it wasn't for me being desperate in finding a Telecommunication addiction program because of my struggle with not having a car and also struggling with a touch of agoraphobia, than I probably wouldn't stop be sober today. This app saves lives and I didn't need to go to an in person appointment to do it. Thank you

This has been a blessing 2 me. Support u 100%.

I don't agree with the changes they are proposing. That is a big reason people in addiction start going somewhere else is because the companies keep changing things

I have a hard time doing in person. Anxiety and everything. Living in a small town and going to the dr for suboxone can be very embarrassing

The reason I chose Boulder is because my work schedule is so hectic that I can't always make in office visits. It creates, you know, trouble for me getting either taken off work early or whatever, and I'm not trying to make this my boss's problem, I'm trying to deal with it on my own and with least interruption to my work schedule as possible. He's already nice enough to let me do these video chat things ... but it would really mess up his schedule if I was to have to take off work because there's only five of us on our crew and we need every one of us. He bids jobs for us all to be there so would create major havoc for me

Having to go and be seen will affect me greatly. I have no way to get there and I am not close to Boulder offices anyway. There is no reason why a video visit shouldn't be enough. This restricts the amount of people boulder can reach and doing that isn't good. We already have a major crisis going on over opiates and anything and everything that can be done must continue uninterupted

I have a hard enough time trying to make my telephone appointments with me working and having 5 kids, one in a residential treatment. But if it needs done, I’ll do it. Not going to like it, but if the state requires it, I'll do it. Just know it’s going to put more of a struggle on my recovery. Just saying because it adds yet again another stresser.

I would definitely love to advocate on behalf of the Telehealth patient community, and voice my opinion and concerns about this potential FDA change. Telehealth treatment had positively impacted my life in so many ways! I anticipate sharing this with others so that I may continue with my recovery feeling as a normal human being.

Being able to complete visits virtually has been so much better for my mental health, in more ways than one. I don’t have to struggle to find transportation to and from appointments, and I don’t have to be surrounded by a bunch of other patients, I don’t feel like I’m just a number with Boulder Care, I feel like my care is genuinely taken seriously. I really hope that everything can remain virtual, so I don’t have to stress the way I did before coming to Boulder Care. Thank you.

This place saved my life I'm forever grateful to be off of herion alone of people won't walk into traditional doctors offices for fear of ridicule or judgement from members of the community once people know your a herion addict they think you ll steal from them or other illegal activities I go to work everyday I raise my children this app gave me the courage to fight my addiction I have along ways to go but I'm off herion because of the medicine I'm prescribed if it wasn't for Boulder I would still be on herion

This program has changed - no saved - my life and my family has noticed a huge difference and is trusting me again. It's been amazing to finally live whatever you consider a normal life. I am truly grateful for this program. If I'm unable to have this program, I'm not sure my sobriety will stay in place much longer after it gets discontinued. I truly hope we can keep this program.

This avenue of care has brought me back to a functioning member of society. And with that I’m able to share my experiences good and bad with others in seek of getting back to a normal life [and not out giving certain groups of individuals ( Ex. GOVERNMENT AFFILIATED GROUPS ) to be specific….] I can tell you this if they were to do something to this care outlet or any others like it they will see a drastic increase in people that will completely stop giving a damn about something they have had to work so extremely hard at maintaining every single night and day just to have it in ripped away.

They have helped me out alot and love all my team,they make sure I stay on top of everything. I have gotten alot out of them.

I would like to say thank u for everything u do for us. My life is so much better since this started I have always had trouble making appointments and getting my medicine that I need thanks to boulder I have gotten back on track

I will be happy to stand with Boulder and give my testimony against the changes. Whatever I have to do I am on board. I love Boulder ❤️🙏

I may not be able to find local treatment and may make it impossible for me to continue my treatment .

I spent nearly 15 yrs in Healthcare industry in many compacities even administrative so I'm familar with loss of profits. But medicine is an art form always evolving; science & evidence based science advances as well; this why it's called practice of medicine as it's suppose to be flexible so from artistic form it accepts better ways in treating conditions. Them asking to get rid of telemedicine is wrong as us addicts have to use all sorts of tools in order to stay sober. I'd like to fight this so recovery has the option of telemedicine bc I have a positive story & love to show them how far they are missing the mark on this matter. Thanks

This program has helped me & im keeping my fingers crossed that telemed will continue to stay open & continue to help the people that are in need of this. Thank you Boulder 😊

It's always something. If you need me to be a voice I'll be there.

Boulder has helped me tremendously. I have been able to get back to work without interruptions like having to leave work to go to classes and or pick up my prescriptions. Boulder has assigned me with an amazing team to help me through my recovery.

I'm not sure if it's going to help at all. Like in my situation. I currently don't have a vehicle. So it would make it quite difficult.

I fully understand that everything happens for a reason. This makes me feel a bit on edge that this is something that others and myself have to go through thinking about, especially this early in my recovery. I hope that everything works out and goes like originally as I started. I appreciate that my doctor, nurse practitioner and counselor is going to do their very best to continue with helping us and not let us down the best they can know matter what. Even if it takes some mild changes. Thank you all for being so caring.

This is something that has saved my life and kept me sober. My favorite part is how I can do from my own home. I've got kids and animals and no car. I live with very little income. To make an in person visit would be so hard and would cost me in finding transportation. I love where my life is with my doctor. It’s not like we don’t see each other during our visits, this is absurd to change anything.

Living so far from any large town has always presented obstacles to get the meds needed to obtain sobriety. Boulder care finally gave me that option of not being married to a clinic which is all that ever held me back.

So far I've really enjoyed boulder cares quality of care. Everyone's been very nice.

This does scare me, but I trust that you will take care of me. Thank you,

This is so upsetting to us because it's always a fight getting to a place with our car issues. And not only that, I'm very sick! It's hard on me getting out and about sometimes! This just really saddens us because what if we can't make that one appointment? Then what? Then we lose everything an all this was for nothing ! 😞

To whom it may concern, I am dual diagnosed with bipolar 1 with psychotic features, PTSD and TBI. It is becoming increasingly more difficult to get to outside appointments, that is why I was so excited to find out about Boulder Care online treatment for medication assisted treatment, a necessary part of my medical treatment. My 75 year old mother is actually having to take me to most of my doctor's appointments now. To get the medication I need to live a better life, my mom was actually driving me and two other disabled individuals, both physically and emotionally, almost every week to our last MAT program. Not only would it be traumatic to see a new doctor I am not familiar with (because of war veteran quality PTSD), it would disrupt the continuity of treatment. The care I am getting at Boulder is available 24/7, 7 days a week. I have utilized their oncall doctor in the middle of the night, and can reach my peer support all week. My peer support Sarah calls back within an hour. Dr Drew makes himself available, and answers me in seconds. They have helped me transition to Boulder Care, and to live a safer, better life helping others and living up to my potential. It is not easy to change providers, let alone alternate between them... Living life as someone dual diagnosed is hard enough. We should be trying to ease patients fears and trepidation about getting clean and sober, not make it more difficult. Thank you Boulder Care for being the foundation of my support program as I trudge along the road of happy destiny.

I don't always have reliable transportation.

The whole point of the online doctor was so that us patients would and could be able to continually seek treatment for our addiction or addictions whatever the case may be. And this wasn’t because as patients it was our idea or even the doctors “UNTIL” and that’s the key word “UNTIL” the whole pandemic stuff happened and it was designed and executed internally before the patients had even been informed of the new way to still get treatment and not have all the added stress of not being able to get to the treatment facilities, which in my opinion has helped far more than it’s hindered. But to think that there is speculation of this form of treatment being done away with is actually very scary… And I will give a prime example because it happened to me personally: Ex:: so I was receiving treatment from a facility that had multiple providers in which the patient could potentially see each time they came in for their appointment. Now with that being said, it was very seldom that I seen the same provider week to week because when you first start out you're week to week. Well one week I went in and I was seen by a provider who you can say disrespected my personal space. When I had been called back to see her I was on a phone call while I was in the waiting room. I had my Bluetooth headset on and as I had been called I was telling the person on the other end of the line. OK I’m going into the doctor now. I’ll call you when I get out. And the provider grabbed my phone out of my hand because she said that I was not off from the phone yet and then threatened me with having me sit there the rest of the day and be the very last patient to be seen. Now that in itself was wrong, because that is messing with my livelihood in the form of work and it would literally take me an entire day at the facility with all the shenanigans and stuff that you had to go through before you could be seen by a provider. And if you got your medicine there then you had to wait for your medicine to be dispensed and then you also have people that are trying to do advance in the treatment facilities practice to where they can make more money and be a higher up making false accusations on people. It was a very bad experience, and I could very easily relapse because of this, not to mention all of the people are in treatment that work truly using the treatment for what it was intended for kind of faking it till they make it type stuff which isn’t good for the people that are truly using the treatment for the better… With all that having been said, being a patient in Boulder care now is far less stressful. The providers, and everyone else that I’ve encountered, are a breath of fresh air each and every time we meet. So if my opinion means anything in this instance, I surely do hope that this style of treatment goes nowhere indefinitely

Doing an in person visit for me would only add unnecessary stress because I do not have transportation at the moment. The way Boulder is set up is perfect and does not need to change.

This program has been a lifesaver to so many people I know! It is a valuable asset to fighting the addiction problem the world is facing. We should be making it easier to seek help. Not make it harder! Please, please, please!!! Continue to help those in need!!

This proposed rule would cause undue hardship for many people that need this treatment. Many people do not have reliable transportation to make it to see somebody that is why we use telehealth.

I work 6 days a week from 5 am to 6pm daily. My job does not allow multiple days off for appointments, or to leave early to go to the pharmacy. This is the only way I can recieve care. The video-visits, counseling and doctor visits are necessary as well as the ability to be mailed my meds to my home. I'm sure this is the case for a lot of people who may not be mobile for a number of reasons...they should not be allowed to take this away from people without our consent.

Why does the dea always want to put their hands on everything good? This program helps people, It’s 1000 times harder to get off of fentanyl then herion and 1000 times more deadly so again .. [Why are they] even trying to keep people away from something that saves them. Alcohol is legal and it’s misused every day, suboxone isn’t something people abuse it’s a treatment to stop abuse.

I don’t agree with this decision especially for people that don’t drive or are always at home taking care of other people. Why would something be started and working ok then be taken away? That’s not helpful for everyone.

I feel like Boulder has been very good and I love the services. The peers and case managers and staff doctors are very wonderful and I feel like it's easy for me to do the over the phone appointments because of my work schedule. Is easier to do it that way versus having to lose a day of work to come to an appointment. I just have to step out and take a smoke break or a 15 minute break and I can talk with my doctor, tell her my concerns, and she can see how I'm doing and things like that, so I really do feel like this program is wonderful and it should be kept the way that it is

I just want to feel better

The doctors nurses and clinicians that work at Boulder care have had such a positive impact in my recovery, I honestly don't think I'd be able to do it without them

I have been with boulder I believe going on 2 years. They have been there for me through better and through the toughest of times in all, meaning my mother passing in 2022. My goal is to get better. I am 63 years old, I live in a smaller town, really I do not want everyone to know my issues. By using the phone for video chat, no one knows except whom I want. A BIG HUG ! A BIG THANKS! A BIG HIP HIP HOORAY!!! FOR BOULDER.!!! Just want to say a personal THANK YOU AND THANK GOD!! FOR BOULDER

I am very happy with the addiction treatment that the Boulder team has been successfully providing to a long time addict who only now has managed to stay sober in thanks to all Boulder and Boulder's amazing staff has been able to provide to me through Peer Support, Clinical needs, a very caring and concern sharing Doctor, and of course being able to provide a manageable prescription of Suboxone and Nicotine Patches for both of my current addiction needs. I am now sober from all illegal street drugs and have since cut way back on my smoking of cigarettes, neither of which would have ever been possible without Boulder and their Telemed capabilities.

I do not see that it would be beneficial to require any in-person visits. It would be exactly the same as my current telemedicine appointments. Plus I feel comfortable with my provider and would not like to share my information with a provider that I am required to see ONE TIME PER YEAR!

It's really nice to have Boulder Care telemedicine. It's really convenient right here in my home. Not to worry about traffic and being on time. Thank you, Boulder care for being there for me.

Just want to say Boulder care has been so helpful for me and my recovery. I am in a sober living and have many appointments with them everyday and with the help with the online care I receive i can receive my medication. Without them I don't believe I would be 110 days clean today

This is kind of scary for me as I am currently struggling to find a mental health provider right now to provide my ADHD meds and I've been without them for approximately 4 months. We don't have these type of providers in the area they do not accept our insurance and it's a nightmare to be seen by anybody

I've been on Suboxone for about 2 years now I count on this medication via telemedicine. I was on methadone for 23 years going in on a daily basis. I'm doing so well on the buprenorphine program. Please don't mess up my recovery. I count on the doctors that are caring for me at this time.

I am a recovering addict that has been on medically assisted treatment for the past seven years. Early in my recovery I went to NA or AA meetings daily, as well as seen a PCP and another doctor for my Suboxone. I chose Boulder care when I relocated for work 2yrs ago because I can do my appointments virtually. As I put my life back together when I got sober, my focus was only sobriety! The way laws were then, it was impossible for a recovering addict to have a job and be on medication to assist treatment because of all the counseling and doctor’s appointments that were required. I have been sober for 7yrs. I went back to college and completed my degree. I am very disappointed to see the possible new changes coming. I work in operations management...I work roughly 60 hours a week, 6 days most weeks. I understand medications must be regulated, as they should, but when will people with addiction be treated as “normal” people able to live “normal” successful lives! With my condition, I will be on medically assisted treatment my entire life. Going to several doctors appointments a week or even a month is not feasible for me if I want to be successful in my career. I cannot miss work for multiple appointments a month! I just don’t understand why laws make it soooo difficult for people who want help and for those who have been sober for years and have careers that they devote most of their time to!

Boulder care is the one and only reason I have maintained sobriety from Fentanyl. I live a 20 minute drive from the known Suboxone Clinics in my area and always had a hard time making it to scheduled appointments. I need telemedicine to continue to supply my buprenorphine without in-person visits, or I risk a relapse. I've struggled for too long and Boulder Care was my saving grace. I don't want to become a Fentanyl overdose statistic.

I am disabled and unable to make it to appointments. I have no transportation and have 4th stage copd. I love the boulder team. They are great people and I feel comfortable talking to them.

I have been sober since I’ve been working with your organization. I have a career now, and I am the sole support of my family. This is wrong, the dea wanting to take away our support system. I became addicted to pain meds given in high doses by a doctor for 20 years. Never breaking the rules but the dea scared the doctors and they quit writing opioid meds. Had I not found Boulder, I would have turned to heroin. Who knows where I would be now. Thank you for your ongoing support. I am a success story because of your help. Thank you.

Yea I just want to say that this program has saved my life for one. I’m grateful because I’m legally blind with twin babies and it’s really hard for me to get a ride back in forth anywhere. This program has taken a great deal of stress off of me in my addiction. The fact that I have a counselor on call at any time that understands me and that I don’t have to constantly start over or get behind in my recovery bc I don’t have to miss any appointments bc they are all right here has saved me from relapse. So please don’t change anything. I recommend this program to all of my friends and family that has done the suboxone shuffle out there, and they love this. They have all said the same things bc usually people who are just starting recovery don’t have reliable people around them and they struggle getting to the clinics in small towns like where I’m from, also shame. This helps those who can’t seem to face their selves or maybe they are in a situation but can’t get a hold of their clinic. Wit this all u have to do is have it on your phone. idk I just know I wouldn’t change anything, it’s helped me and I know it’s helping others

WOW.🙄 I am a decorated war veteran and getting to where I am now took will power, yes, and Suboxone. Minus Suboxone and you and I are not having this conversation bc I'm dead. Withdrawal makes you wish you were dead. Boulder and programs like this literally saved my life and continues to save SO,SO,SO many others just like mine. People need help and leave it to the DEA and the government to take away people's rights and try to prevent them from ruining their life or much worse being dead. Constantly putting up road blocks. Unbelievable. I think they should put themselves in our shoes a take a long walk on a country road. I plead with you please don't make being an addict any harder than it already is.....!

I'm a older woman living on a fixed income. It makes it so much easier when I can do it over the phone. My health isn't great either but this program will keep me sober. I can call anytime 'n there is always someone to talk to. I have sugar di too n since I've been on the medication, my sugar has been good for month's. BP too. I thank the people at Boulder every chance I get.

I don’t have my own running vehicle at the moment.

I’ve tried to get sober for YEARS. I’ve never had more than a couple months put together until I joined Boulder Care and the telehealth care program. It not only made it easy but I feel I can be more honest and feel less judgment. Face to face was so scary for me to admit how bad my addiction really got. I couldn’t really open up to any doctors. Telehealth has given me a second chance at life.

I think the drs should be able to prescribe any kind of medication that they see fit considering the circumstances. Not all of us have primary doctors and it’s hard to get in to see one so if narcotics are sometimes needed, the doctor should be able to prescribe them

This is why I do telemed with boulder: I get personal service without the humiliation of everyone staring or talking about you. I'm home in the safe environment and I don't have to sit there for hours upon hours of waiting especially with my work schedule...

Telemedicine has been a Godsend for many like me. I work 55-70 hrs a week of varying hours, the service I provide to other business is crucial for safety and there's very few willing to work this type of work no matter the pay. By being able to do this by phone, it eliminates one day of work me and my crew miss. The providers at Boulder have been just and always seem truly concerned about my health and total life situation. Also I have a problem with crowds and have stopped going to others in the past for this reason alone. Since starting at Boulder, my life situation has greatly improved, my business has started to reach the next level, and I feel my psyche is healthy as I feel I can be honest with them over any issue that's going on in my life that day. PLEASE LEAVE IT AS IS, they have been a blessing for me and many others!!!!!!

This change would be very difficult for me, being that I am a truck driver, out of town for 5-6 days a week depending. Any weekday that I remain in town, I potentially lose a whole week of work (I'd lose a Load). This in town visit will not only cost me pay, but the visit would also cost out of pocket. If that happens, and I lose out on pay and the cost doesn't add up, I may be forced to find other solutions.

When I first came to boulder I was very strung out, the thought of going anywhere public was terrifying, I would not be sober today without boulder.

This would be detrimental to me. Transportation is the main reason I couldn't get help sooner. I work hours Monday through Friday that most places are closed by the time I'm off work and are closed on the weekends when I'm off. On top of that I do not have my license right now. I live in an area that I'm unfamiliar with and am scared to take buses. This notice has got me a nervous wreck. This program has been life saving for me. I hope and pray this doesn't happen, it could very well cost me my program and not only me and not only our programs but probably many lives too.

Being able to protect my anonymity was the only way I was successfully able to get addiction treatment, and I’m sure most everyone using these telehealth services feels the same. It is our right to receive treatment without fear of exposure!

This is completely unfair! How dare they change what has been working for me for 3 YEARS!

I don’t have my license so it’s kinda hard for me to get back-and-forth places. My fiancé goes to school and works so I don’t have a ride really anywhere.

Having addiction is a major struggle in life and because of Boulder Care I don't have to let myself be known to others about my addiction. I can comfortably log in and have one on one meeting with them and the way I feel when we are done is amazing to me

When you jerks make getting my drugs easier than medicine, I for sure will follow the path of least resistance.

To be all the way honest, I can't help but think the DEA, and therefore the US government, actually WANTS people in America to die of overdoses. Honestly, think about it a little bit. What other reason could they possibly have for actively trying to keep addicts from getting medicine from a doctor, medicine to safely and effectively treat their addiction and keep them off of the unsafe and potentially deadly street drugs that are running rampant through this country?? I'm seriously asking that question, and so should everyone else. I can't come up with any other logical, plausible reasons why they'd want to put up barriers for receiving treatment. Added barriers means some addicts will fall through the cracks and utilize street opioids rather than Suboxone. Of course, there will inevitably be a percentage of that group of addicts that will overdose and die. That's simple math. Anybody can do it. And that is what the result of the DEA measures will be. It's not a debate, not a discussion. It is simply a fact. [The DEA is trying to enact measures that will result in the untimely demise of Americans that would have otherwise gone on living were it not for the actions of the DEA. What do you call someone who actively tries kill off a percentage of a specific population of human beings? Terrorist? Genocidal warlord? Nope, we call them the DEA.]

I feel that this is unfair, but they are trying to make us do something, specially if it is something that is working. I have tried other treatment programs and this is the first one that has been successful to me seeing as I do not like to be out in public, I’m a homebody and get severe anxiety going out in public around people, other than my family and friends

I have been with Boulder for about a month now. My life has already grown in so many ways. I am engaged. I am paying my own bills. I work, I am starting my own company. I have tried all of the other places only to be giving all of my time to treatment and never any time on life for myself. I'm an active member in the community and a taxpayer. I am back in my children's life my family allows me to be around again. I have been sober for 7 months and Boulder has worked with me and helped me in all of this. They have open schedules that allow me to be a part of the community and test myself in the things that I have learned in treatment. I am paying my child support now. When before I was having to spend 4 days a week at at another treatment facility where I didn't even get the one-on-one care only to be treated as a number not as a human being or a person. Please think about how effective this program is to someone who wants to be responsible and be a better person. I will gladly talk to anyone and go into more depth about my personal story and how I have tried everything every way to stay sober and it is never worked the way that it does at Boulder.

Getting addiction help is hard. Believe me I have tried every avenue out there. Having telelehealth access is incredible. For the first time. And it's not going to stay??? What a pity. I think that this could really help if it stays.

Boulder has helped me so much in my addiction prevention and getting help with my MAT treatment and I’m so thankful for them. I have 8 months clean with the help from Boulder telehealth!

I sure hope that they do not change the telemedicine law because it is working for me and many others I'm sure. But it has totally changed my life with my support team helping me and especially my clinician who is great and I do not want to lose that. It jerks a tear in my eye just thinking about it, but this is what it comes to I guess... and I do not want to go back to the way of living that I know so much that is so terrible. I have been clean and sober since October of last year. Opiate free and I got to tell you right now I'm a little scared. I don't have any chances left I do know. So I am definitely joining in the fight and you absolutely have my permission to do anything you can to fight this fight and HH just let me know what to do and I will do it. Thank you all so much. I am not a quitter and I'm not going to quit on my sobriety

I share a car. It's hard to get out of work. Hopefully, things won't change. That said, I am staying with Boulder no matter what happens. And I will go to the DEA website. They need to understand how important Boulder care is.

Being able to talk to my doctor over video calls helps me cause I saved time on driving. I'm able to do a visit on my lunch break so I don't have to take time off so often just to see my doctor. When I would have to go to a clinic I would have to take half the day if not the whole day off to be able to drive to a clinic that even offers a suboxone program. But with the Boulder Care app, I'm able to meet with my doctor on my lunch break and not have to take time off work all the time and it's so convenient. With being a single parent, I need to work as much as I can so I can afford my bills. And taking time off doesn't help my situation and help me feel like I'm thriving and taking care of my kid the way I'm supposed to. Some people don't work and they're able to go drive an hour to the clinic multiple times a year. Unfortunately I have a job and I'm not trying to live off the state and that isn't a good option for me. The only reason I did it before was because I did not know about Boulder care and know that this was an option. Now that I've been going to Boulder care and using the app I would never go back to an in person clinic. It's not convenient for a person in my situation. Before I felt like going to a doctor's office or clinic I was one out of a 1000 being seen by a doctor. Here on the Boulder app I have a doctor, a care team person, and I can email either 1 and get a response that day. Here I feel like I have a better relationship with my doctor and my care team advocate and I'm able to open up more. I have grown to love my doctor. And if I have to get a new doctor or go see someone else I'm not gonna be able to open up as much and I'm gonna be very sad if I have to get a new doctor.

The reason I did Boulder was is because I was at a regular clinic. Yes right now I have a running vehicle but we’re low income. That’s why we quit the other clinic -- all the running back and forth just do get treatment so it’s hard to keep gas sometimes! Boulder was a game changer when I found out about it. So convient. No gas and it’s all done in the privacy of your home. I’m not sure why u would require a in person visit? What is that gonna do? What’s gonna happen if I couldn’t make it to a visit? I mean everything is done online, you know who you're talking to. U can clearly see! So I hope it don’t change because I’m sorry when someone needs treatment, they need to do it quickly and this is the best way. There’s enough regulations and hoops you already gotta go through why make it harder for people to change and help their lives?!

I need Boulder Care to be all online! I have no car and 3 kids who need a mom who is sober! Don’t take my bupe!

Doing telehealth is so much easier than going to an actual dr office

Part of my struggle has been that I’ve kept it very private and away from the public eye. I would have been steered away from getting help when I did or might not have had the time to do it knowing I’d have to “go” to a doctor. That’s part of what kept me from getting help, until I found about Boulder and how it works with you from the privacy of your own home. I believe many feel the same way about having to “go” to a Dr. If it was that easy, many of us would have done it by now.

This is ridiculous. The dea is making it damn near impossible for us too sober. This is bs what they put us through. They should be cracking down on the docs who are pushing the pain pills, not docs like Boulder Care and other places that are trying to help us get sober. Us trying to take the step of getting sober is hard enough for us, then they wanna make it even harder. This irritates me beyond words. Thank u Boulder Care for fighting for us

I believe MAT treatment has saved my life. I don't agree with it not being allowed online because every time I try to go to a clinic, there are people there not serious about recovery. This allows me to work my own recovery program, work a full time job, and still get my medicine. 6 years sober this way.

I don't want to go to a clinic for my care.

This would make it so much harder on so many of us. We actually get to where we need to be n get another step added on that, alot of us ain't gonna be able to do or handle...

I think it is kind of absurd to try to make people do this cuz now people that don't have transportation or don't have a doctor or just don't like dealing with people and that's why they do this video, they are now going to take the chance of stopping this all together and going back to their drug addiction. I think that as long as people are doing good the way it is, why change it? I know this program has saved my life and has given me a life back. I am living proof that the program works cuz back in my day I was doing whatever I could, rob, steal, hurt I didn't care. I was a hypocrite. Everything I always preached to my kids not to do I became that person. And now I have a home again, I have my license back, I have transportation, I'm a project coordinator for one of the largest electric companies. I'm very proud of myself and my kids and everybody else is very proud of me. I finally have my life back. And I would never be in this position if I didn't get with a quack doctor that just kept feeding me Percocets and then just stop them all of a sudden. So in other words what I'm getting at here is why change something that's working?

I really wouldn't be able to do the one in person visit care because I think I have agoraphobia or social anxiety disorder or something along the lines of that. Because I don't ever leave my house and when I do try I like freak out and I can't get it out of the house. Thank you.

I love my continued care with Boulder. Has been a great help when not having child care to do everything online so I don't have to miss or reschedule in person appointments.

Ms. Christine has been there from day one in my recovery. If there's a award for being accessible she deserves it.

Boulder became my provider when reliable transportation became nonexistent. Missing appointments became a regular thing and going without my medicine started becoming way too hectic and unbearable. Boulder has made my life so much easier with being convenient. I haven’t went without my medicine and haven’t missed a visit yet. I will forever use Boulder Care as long as they are around!

Boulder Care telemedicine, you guys are LIFESAVERS!!💖 Seriously I was at the end of my rope with my previous in person doctors office. I ALWAYS sit for hours just to be seen and I lost 1 job over having to miss work for my doctor's appointments... so again thank you Boulder 💖 A.K.A-LIFESAVERS💖

Once I beat this, I wanna help others also. My ranch is a perfect spot to detox. 17 miles from a town. Full of animals

The telecommunications doctor appointments are so much easier with me not having a vehicle. It's sometimes hard to find a ride to make it to all my appointments. With it being on my phone I can do it all right from home and missing an appointment from a no vehicle excuse doesn't happen anymore.

I feel that boulder care is providing enough personal assistance to get one through or along their way in recovery. They provide peer providers to help with coaching and or counseling and have nursing staff as well to gather information and help those along in their path of recovery. Boulder Care also works with local hospitals etc. to obtain lab and urine screen results. I personally don't see or feel a need for any other outside needs or assistance from any other provider/s and feel like my needs and help is already there and enough with Boulder Care as they're always there and more than happy to listen, help already with all they provide.

I don't drive and don't have a primary doctor. I don't know why this would happen now. I don't wanna see any other doctor. Please do not make this happen. I don't want the other doctor to say that i don't need my prescription. I don't wanna die if I go back to using

I am so glad you guys have been here to make this even possible, I will always be grateful.

I do have a car and there is doctor's office near me. I don't have a primary care physician but I also have a two-year-old and a 13 year old and their dad is an over the road truck driver. Where a lot of the times he's gone for a week at a time, sometimes a month depending on how horrible the pay is. I shouldn't have to drag my two-year-old and my 13 year old if hes not at school to a doctor's office when I am already seeing a doctor over the phone. And I am very honest about what's going on in my life and what I'm doing so I don't see how I should be made to interrupt my daughter and my son's and my day to go to a doctor's office when I am able to just do it on the phone at home and not interrupt any of their schedules. It'll be around her nap time if not. Then it'll be real early or real late in the afternoon when I have to get dinner ready. So I am very against having to physically go to a doctor's office when I am able to video chat with my doctors who are awesome and in my opinion are the best doctors I have ever had that actually care about me. That's the whole reason I am doing Boulder instead of going to a physical doctor. Plus every single time I go to a doctor and they realize and see what my medicine is they treat me less than human, so why would I want to subject myself to going to a doctor? Who doesn't care at all about me when I'm there. I have doctors that care about me and my well being. Thank you for your time.

I am currently fighting to get my driver's license back after many years of sobriety. Telehealth allows me to get my medicine while going through this process. It will indeed be far more challenging since I live in a fairly rural area now.

Telemedicine has been a major help in my life. I don't have transportation and I don't live on the bus route so this has been a God send. So please don't take away this program

Well I do not have transportation so it's hard really hard to make my appointment. I have to use wifi as is. The bus line does not run past my house AT ALL btw

I think making more road blocks for addicts will lead to more deaths. It’s difficult as it is keeping appts and showing up. As long as we take our drug trust and our meds this shouldn’t be a thing. I’m tired of the DEA trying to control every aspect of medical care. To chronic pain patients, mental health, and addicts, it’s detrimental to society!!

This makes everything easy to do and you don't have to leave your house. This has helped me Alot. I'm already tired of going to my other doctors thank you and God bless y'all.

I believe that this change may make a few people or more, shy away from the program. It is my belief that the government should listen to the providers. Yes there is a definite rise in drug use. But the government is a big part of the problem by not stopping it at the source.and waiting for the problem to grow. [China doesn't need guns, they just send more drugs. Enough from me.]

I will assist you in any way I can to stop this from happening. I think we can get this new rule stopped. It's completely stupid what they are proposing.

What are they trying to do are they trying to take are meds from us?

Listen I just started with this place and it truly has been a life saver. I have been an addict off and on for like 17 years and have tried many times to get clean in my own. Yes, I tried Suboxone once before but I wasn't truly ready to be clean, but I have been working so hard to get my life back on track for a job and my famliy. back to me getting put on subs cause I have no want to do drugs. This place has helped me and I really feel that it would be a great help to many other people that aren't able to make it to appointments due to immobility or other reasons, cause life is hard, so losing a place like this would be harmful to people that are trying to change their lives. So they don't have to end up having to deal with the DEA on their own do to a relapse

this new rule would heavily affect my life as I have a 1 year old son and am in college most of the day. it would severely limit my ability to get the help and medication I need

This program means a lot to me because I don't drive, have never had a license, and have no other transportation. Plus I have babies I take care of. It would be hard for me to even do a visit in a office. Also everyone at Boulder's is so loving n caring, idk where I'd be today with out them. thank u

I think if people are trying to get help we should be able to with out jumping thru a million hoops. Most addicts are on the bottom of the pool and work blue collar jobs that can’t just take off work to go see a doctor. That’s why I never got help before because clinics were just to much time and I work 7 days a week. I personally think the government is making it hard for us to get off their meds, big pharma it’s a corrupt system and they are trying to make it we’re we have no choice but take their opioids they knew were going to ruin the lower class and still doing it

An individual insight on telehealth's personal benefit and necessity: .... For someone like me that has been in intensive recovery for more than just a few months, this is a uniquely practical program. Being that I went to an inpatient 30 day program that served me very well (more than any, "detox", ever had before) and also, voluntarily had a 3 month stay in a sober living facility I feel that I like many others in the same program that had the approximate same amount of time, (in recovery) were/are ready for the next step. Many others became employed; I, unfortunately, have many medical appointments (for issues that would surely hinder that commitment to employment) that require a great deal of time and travel almost every day each week. In my one-sided experience, visual examinations on video call (with a fair amount of lighting) revealed much more than many may believe about a person's status regarding their sobriety. This mentioned out of assumption that there is some concern of dishonesty of a few who with the expertise of the care team would not make it very far. I personally could not reason with the denial of access to a service that could save many lives. Lives that are possibly holding by a thread. Lives whose only option for whatever reason might be, a telehealth visit. That small amount of hope could be the sowing of a seed that, possibly and/or eventually, could be the very beginning of a long and successful road down recovery lane...

The care we receive now makes life a lot simpler and keeps our sober support more broadened and the more we have the better for long term sobriety

I think it not right

A programs like yours is more likely to succeed in growing support and care that’s necessary for people like myself to find the path they we need to make a 100 % recovery from the use of illicit drugs. It’s so much easier than having to go to 2 appts each week when all u need is to stay home

Boulder care is why I am drug& alcohol free. I received more support & attention from everyone at Boulder that I never received at a medical office.

Being able to quickly access a provider and receiving a MAT, was necessary at the time. The most convenient feature is being able to meet with a professional anywhere and at almost anytime. Personally speaking, I think once annually would be okay- and for some possibly prove beneficial. I am hopeful that nothing changes with Boulder Care.

Defeats the purpose of doing this.

This terrifies me as I can't drive so if they change the rules this may be extremely hard for me! I love The Boulder app and care team are the Greatest!

Ever since I have been a client with Boulder care, I am respected and not judged for being a addict. [Sabrina neely has been so awesome and wonderful Sarah my peer recovery specialist has also been so awesome and wonderful can't say enough wonderful things about Boulder care because I have been treated so well Boulder care made me a much better person also] I have my life back, so telehealth medicine is the true honest way for anyone who really wants to turn their life around. So keep up the wonderful work and thumbs-up to Boulder care

I am willing to make a statement on behalf of the treatment that I have received and how the convenience of telemedicine has helped. I would also share the gratitude that I feel in regards to being able to get my treatment over the zoom meetings and how much more comfortable it’s made me with the process .

I am a long-term patient that has a great relationship with my doctor and I love the ability to be able to do all of these visits on the go. I work full time have 2 children and go to college full time. Making it to actual physical appointments is hard with a busy schedule like mine.

I can't stand be around people and I believe being around other addicts some times just don't fit my rehab

I go through online doctors because of the anxiety I endure while trying to attend my M.A.T. treatment... just got a message about still having to see a doctor physically in person... No wonder most of today's society is addicted to drugs and afraid to ask for help... because the government only looks at us junkies as one thing, junkies! If I have to go back through that crap with them judgemental doctors, I'll quit the MAT program and see how long I can do it on my own... it's sad that no one wants to truly help people like me. The govt. pays doctors to help "junkies" like me, and they're just making it harder and harder... if this new law passes, I'm done with MAT services and hope for the best with the outcome of my future... Thanks to those who truly do care and have tried to help me along the way...

I don’t think this is fair

I have been clean 12 years and telehealth is the only way for me to get treatment since my vehicle broke down

Using Boulder care has without a doubt improved the quality of my life. Before learning about Boulder care my choices were a doctor who treated me so poorly I had extreme anxiety around, or one so expensive I was priced out of treatment and medication. During my first visit with Boulder Care I actually cried with relief.

I have been here for over a year and it's the best! I like how convenient everything is and how nice every one is! I have had 3 different providers and they made me feel more then welcome!

I have had very little luck with local agencies, treatment programs, meetings, but absolutely have found that with Boulder Care. My treatment does not interrupt my schedule or my life with unnecessary meetings and groups. Boulder has enabled me to maintain my life while treating my addiction and helping me with outlets for my grief and anxiety.

I live in [a rural area] and travel for work. How would I do an in person visit?

I think this is a great program

I think that it's a huge mistake -- what can an in person visit do that u can't do during a zoom meeting? It makes no sense. Just another hoop for someone who is trying to get help to jump through. What if u don't have transportation? What u don't deserve to be treated?

I will do anything it takes to continue my telemedicine visits. You all are wonderful and have been a huge help for me! I value Bolder and want to fight this change.

I work full time. And on 3rds this is the best way I’ve found to get what I need. I also don’t have reliable transportation to anywhere besides work

After surviving a major trauma and living with pstd, over-medicated and railroaded for over a decade of my 30 years of my life, I found Boulder care. A ray of light in this sea of black tar, big [opioid] addiction, and no faith left for our society. They gave me a piece of semblence back of the person I was, and glimpse of hope for the future. You are going to take that away, what? So another person can point and label while billing insurance for their time? Where does the line draw? Please leave Boulder care the way it is. Please. Thank you for continuing to let them do not just the right thing; the Human thing to do for people in need.

I am grateful that I have been a part of Boulder care because they have been on the other end of the phone anytime 24/7 and are very friendly and caring, more so than being seen in person through a Dr you're rushed in and out of! Thank you Boulder and I feel comfortable putting my addiction behind me knowing you're there every step of the way!

The proposed and any interference by the DEA into private medical care is uncalled for and only hinders the care that many of us need. I find that DEAs abuse of its powers to interfere in the medical field instead of going after the true problems of illegal illicit drugs has only contributed to the problems we face with illegal drugs in this country.

Virtual care is extremely important for me. And it makes the balance of a busy work schedule, being with my child, and getting the care I need so much easier. I just appreciate the privilege to get the care I need, the treatment I need, without having to lose out on hours at work. Transit alone for me, where I live, is a long journey. As a single parent, I appreciate the chance to thrive. In my last treatment program it was care team based as well. I love that! I had to change programs because of insurance changes. I am still new to the Boulder care program, but I have no doubt I can gain the support I need to thrive. I can't work my program without Boulder care, and their team.

I do not have transportation at this time, that's also one reason for Boulder care to be best for me to not fail in my recovery.

This program keeps me clean and sober. Makes sobriety possible

I have developed agoraphobia that came about from the whole covid nightmare. This service is a Godsend for me without it I physically do not know if I will be able to visit a regular doctor without having a serious anxiety attack. My primary care doctor does tella visits with me due to my agoraphobia. Please keep this service available to me!

There are so many advocates that are willing to help anyway it's needed and if they personally can't then they do their best to find someone who can. I've relapsed a few times and everytime I have, Boulder has not hesitated to offer me the help that I need. I would recommend their service to anyone in need of support and guidance.

I believe that doing this program with this medication the way that is set up through Boulder care is very appropriate. I do understand why the other end disagrees, it makes sense why they disagree because people take advantage of the online doctors and use it to manipulate and get what they want without having to do anything for it. But doing the online appointments makes it where it makes you become more vulnerable easier because you know you are comfortable in your own environments with having this conversation with whomever you're speaking with. You don't have to go out in public you don't have to be seen going to that specific kind of doctor then you're labeled when someone sees you walk in those doors, you're automatically labeled as oh you're a f****** heroine junkie and you know that you don't have those issues. And I don't understand why DEA is having so much issues because they're not making any money or enough money or they're losing money I'm not sure maybe that's what it sounds like to me is that they're p***** off because someone's making more money than they are in something or they don't have a hand in something that they want to. I believe that the online doctrine is good and it's beneficial especially if I'm busy and I can't make it into an office. Because I have all these other stuff going on, but I just have to turn on my phone and say "Hey how's it going?"... and also I don't like to be going out and sitting in the doctor's office it lowers the risk of covid

Keep up the good work 👏

Telemedicine is an integral part of modern healthcare. Mandatory in-person visits defeat the purpose of having true health access and glean minimal, if any, benefit to a patient's overall plan of care. Please keep fighting to allow completely remote healthcare without conditions requiring what can be insurmountable challenges for patients.

I do want to say that I would be using drugs if it wasn't for Boulder. I would be battling the herion addiction or feeding it. Today through doing telehealth with Boulder I have found success. Sure I take suboxin daily but I don't get addicted and most importantly I live a normal life! For the first time in my entire life I don't have to be high on anything. I don't feel a need for it. I have the ability to contact my treatment team from assistants to my Doctor within minutes through telehealth! I don't have to get in my vehicle to go anywhere! It's so convenient, I never can't get ahold of somebody whether it be during the regular day or just need to chat I can reach them and they are available always. I don't have to call a number to talk to a computer program that sucks. Honestly for me it's far less frustrating and easier to do a. I am ever so grateful for the program that Boulder has created.

I think Boulder care is doing phenomenal work with us. Continue doing what Boulder is doing with us thanks and God bless you all

I have 5 kids and it is hard to squeeze my Dr's appointments in person cause most of the time they make me sit for hours

The way we have been doing things over the phone was perfect for me and my family. We dont have to sit three hours to be seen, I can see the doc over the phone when im at work or whereever it is im at. This is the best way for anyone that has a life

I would need a ride to any appointments, that's why I liked how this was set up. Also a lot of people need access to smart phones. Maybe link people with government phones so that they can also do this program. Thanks

These people been the most helpful through my recovery. My clinician is amazing she actually cares and we basically have a one on one at my appointment once a week. They seem like they really care about your recovery.

Hello my only concern is getting my medication filled. I have been getting it delivered but apparently they have closed. My pharmacy that I’ve used for years told me they could no longer fill my medication because it’s telehealth and the prescribing doctor was so far away. I'm very concerned to be honest. I'm hoping we can come up with something so I can continue getting the medicine I need.

It would be extremely hard to see a specialist in person as the coast has issues with assigning pcps with people.

It's really hard for me to get to in person appointments at the moment because of my transportation issue. Using Boulder has been one of the best choices I've made.

I really hope the program doesn’t change. I have reached out to this program because of privacy and convenience. These two things are very important for my recovery. I felt lost until I learned of your program and support

This has been such a blessing for myself due to very challenging financial times. Transportation is something that I took for granted. With the cost of living on the rise daily, things are getting more challenging all the time and seeing that I am a breast cancer survivor patient I have a multitude of places that I would have to be. Thanks to telemed I'm able to do all that from the comfort of my own home without the stress of having to be at a certain place in a certain time. I am right there on time with the phone and they are able to visibly see me talk with me and the great thing is that they can send orders to the lab or to the hospital that is nearest me. They do check my blood, my urine to check all my vitals which is so neat seeing that they are not anywhere in my vicinity. Technology now, they are still able to track me and monitor my care with such ease. I cannot say enough about my care at Boulder my provider is above board! Top Notch Provider, not only Professionally but what little I know of her she is top-notch Personally also. Inspiring to me quite frankly. She and her staff keep good track of me. She and her support staff are always reaching out to me asking me if I need things, if I need to talk or making sure that if there's any confusion as to where to get my blood drawn. They're making sure that I can get there and that I am able to talk to the right people. Again they're nowhere near me and they are still able to facilitate those very important things. Boulder has been a blessing. I would really hate it if that were to ever go away that would take such a crucial part of my healthcare away. She and her staff go as far to even search out providers for me as well as trouble shoot insurance verification. You name it, they will help me if I ask! Nothing is too big or too small. If they don't know, they will find out!! If this came down to I've got to be seen in person, I would be floundering again like I was because I become an unreliable patient because I can't always make it to a physical visit. I don't always have a reliable means of transport. Thank you for your valuable time and consideration.

If it wasn't for Boulder, I would not be able to get the medication I require to function as any other individual would. I do have a disease called addiction, and Suboxone to save my life. I work full-time plus run a nonprofit; therefore, time is a major factor for me personally. It would be next to impossible to maintain regular doctor's visits considering the nearest clinic is 30 to 45 minutes away from my remote area in the Appalachian foothills. I'm only one of the countless individuals who share the same dilemma: limited  access to treatment options.  Boulder medical has had a very positive impact on my life. Without them it would be next to impossible to maintain weekly and office appointments driving 45 minutes away due to my crazy work schedule. I'm also a parent of two children. Telehealth is an amazing approach to addiction treatment and allows providers to reach more individuals and save more lives. I'm a social worker myself, and my nonprofit is geared towards stopping opioid overdose and substance abuse, and Appalachia with our mission to empower the next to be the generation of change. Telehealth treatment is the future of addiction treatment. I think it's a ridiculous notion that the DEA would want to limit individual's access to medication that saves their lives and prevents them from being just another statistic because everyone knows we don't need any more overdose deaths, so it would be very foolish to restrict telehealth prescribers. As I said, I'm a recovering addict and a social worker so I'm a strong advocate for telehealth and medication assisted treatment. I really hope that our comments are heard and legislators make the right decision. Sometimes the right choice isn't always the easiest and it doesn't always please the most people, but it's right. Thousands of people would lose the medication that's stabilizing their lives if such legislation was to pass. I really hope that you take this into consideration because this is a very serious epidemic that has been relentless to multiple generations. Now it's time for a change and Telehealth is part of that change. Thank you Bolder for helping me get my life back!!

This program is helping save a lot of lives. Some people as myself can’t be around people where I have really bad anxiety. Please allow us to continue using this program it is amazing!

I have to work weekdays so I will have a hard time getting to a doctor

Boulder care has allowed me to get back to work because there is no more telling a boss I can't come in today because I have appointments. Employers don't want to hear that their employee can't come to work. They hire you so you can be doing your job. There comes a point in recovery were you need to be able to go back out into the world and rebuild your life. You can't do that homeless because you have to spend every waking moment in your program and that's what Boulder Care has done for me. I get an excellent level of care and I'm still able to work on the other important things in my life. I'm more than just my addiction and Boulder care sees that unlike my local outpatient rehabs where I'm just a dollar bill and makes you come into their office 3 times a week and waste your whole day just so they can bill our insurance as many times as they can. Boulder care has been my light in a tunnel of darkness. I was about to have to choose rehab or be homeless and Boulder Care was there to save me from that because... I can do my appointment on my lunch break in my car. I don't know what or were I would be today without Boulder care, they are my saving grace

I love the choice to choose [how to address] my medical problems without the Government trying to create more road blocks. The involvement of Regulation of the DEA needs to not try to reconstruct something that works for patients. They have no idea of the struggles every day when dealing with addiction.

Boulder has helped me in so many ways in my life. Being able to stay home and care for my kids and family, do schooling, and work and I don't have to take the time out to go for something that takes such a short amount of time. I love the help I've gotten there, I love the staff. Telehealth has helped so many people, so many people I personally know myself, many individuals that will be lost and put in some hard situations if they are unable to see their doctors through telehealth

I work seven days a week. It would be a real struggle to get in person to see someone for me! I have been on Bupe for 7 years now, and im doing wonderful!

They need to quit making it hard for people to get the help that they need. New people are going to have a difficult time with this new stuff.

I really feel that this program has saved my life and others. I just recently bought a car but before that this program is perfect for ones who don't have reliable transportation. Not to mention I like the one on one not having a lot of people knowing about my journey in my recovery. I live in a small town where people in treatment get talked about and messed with. With this program I feel like I have more privacy in my recovery. Also it was going to regular doctor that got me started on opiates and I feel like going back into the doctor office will be a trigger and could possibly lead back into temptation of using cause that's all the doctors do is push their opioid poison on to us. I finally find a treatment program that works for me and now they want to take it away I guess this is another way of population control.

I absolutely love Bouler Care. You guys have helped me so much in my recovery. I am truly blessed to have my care team. Thanks for everything guys.

Telemedicine has been my lifesaver as I live in a remote area. If it wasn't for Boulder care and their telemedicine it would be very very difficult to get to a facility between work and taking care of my child. A lot of people benefit from this. I really think it would be terrible if it was taken away from people like me. Thank you.

I would probably just stop treatment and that is very unfortunate.

Due to my medical problems I was having trouble with getting to and waiting once in the office. My average wait time was no less than 2 hours and almost guaranteed more than 2 hours. I have major back issues, I can't sit for very long and my legs start to swell and hurt, my lower back feels like it's on fire and someone is trying to put it out with a pitch fork. Needless to say now I can be seen in my home in bed and in very little pain. I have been treated better than ever. The people who help me in my recovery have made me feel welcome from the day I called and made an appointment. I couldn't believe how nice she was when asking sensitive questions and not judging me for my answers. I don't think I could ever find any other office where I feel this safe with. I can openly talk about any and all the things I need to. I pray my recovery won't be given a huge bump in the road. I trust Boulder with everything and know if I can't be a patient with them I don't know what I would do. I really am losing my ability to walk and have had several procedures done on my back and nothing is helping.

A large part of my successful recovery with BOULDER has been the confidentiality. I have completed tests (by mail) and met with my clinician for over two years. I live in a small town and one reason I did not seek treatment was the lack of privacy inherent in having to go to a local in-person provider. HIPPA may be in effect, but as a practical matter almost all confidentiality goes out the window in a community as small as the one I live in. Unlike amphetamines, there is no long term illicit market for buprenorphine. The only non-valid reason to use these services would be someone in active addiction, which would be inconsistent with Boulder’s policies and practices. If this rule is not modified, is there a geographical limit for an in person practitioner. Like many people with insurance, money is not the issue.

I don’t know why they always want to fight against people getting help. The DEA wasn’t too concerned when in-person doctors were prescribing opiates for everything imaginable. In person appointments will not do anything besides apply a hurdle for some folks to not be able to maintain their care (like if they can’t get to their in person appointments or are too ashamed to go, etc). Telehealth has proved to work and they should leave us be. I would not be clean and legal today if it hadn’t have been for telehealth programs. They changed my life, Boulder saved my life.

Boulder, and telemedicine, has changed my life in a great way. It is unbelievable practice that has worked for me and I have changed in ways I've never thought I could. And I really hope that this does not affect the way I get my meds because that would be a terrible thing for me. No matter what I will not go back to the person I was, but I do not want the DEA to affect my lifestyle cuz I finally found something that works for me and it has changed my life for the better in ways I never thought possible. Thank you for listening and my thoughts for the day is: stay strong. Where there is a will there is a way.

This program is amazing and has been the reason I can stay successful. Being a parent and working hard being employed, this option has made it possible to succeed. The care has been better than any “in person” visit I have ever had with a provider. If anything- the visits are more thorough and comprehensive. Thank you for your program.

Boulder has been an answered prayer for me. I don’t have much help with my kids so going places are really hard. Since starting Boulder this is the first time I’ve actually felt heard and cared about. I’m just so grateful I can do my appointments at home and I really hope that doesn’t change.

Not everyone has reliable transportation. Some don't drive. Also I personally do not have a primary care physician so I would have to find one get appointment scheduled ECT.

This is why I liked Boulder because there was no waiting and waiting in an office to see everyone you need to see to get your script. Also I don't have to rely on people for a ride. If that don't happened I miss my appointment. This way I don't miss any and don't have to rely on no one besides myself

This telemedicine is the only way I an able to get the proper treatment because where I live the addiction care is really not good at all. And the [in-person] treatment center actually recommended them because of my situation with work and transportation. They really went out of their way to care about my recovery and that's means a lot to me because I am alone out here.

I struggle everyday with just waking up and doing the normal things I have to do to stay alive. The more things I add my my list of frustrations the more reason I have to just give up. You can't force anyone to do something they don't wanna do, as in get clean. You're only going to stop when ready, so to make the task of getting clean more difficult is ridiculous because it's just gonna make that many more people turn away

Is my opinion that Boulder and the Telehealth is a fabulous thing...the kind caring loving people that I have encountered with Boulder has made it possible for myself without having to deal with a lot of the judgmentalness and just what I feel to be no different than being on probation with the approach taken by other Suboxone treatment programs and Facilities. And it has been a great help to those I have recommended Boulder to. They themselves have been greatly impacted by Boulder and the method which Boulder uses to get a form of healing to the people and TRUTH&LOVE

I've had bad experiences in the past not being able to get treatment in a timely manner. Boulder has provided support every time I have needed. This program has allowed me to get back to my sober self and regain my health. I would highly recommend this to any struggling addict. Additionally, I believe the telehealth aspect of this program allows for much easier access to care when needed.

I don’t think the DEA should have any business dealing in someone’s recovery program. Maybe they should concern themselves more with the crap coming into our country that is responsible for most people having a need for a program.

The fact that Boulder care team members have been more than flexible and understanding and easy to work with and also I don't have to leave the comfort of my home. Especially since now I'm working nights and usually sleeping during the day, it just makes it so much easier to get my prescriptions and see my doctor over the phone then having to deal with going all the way down to the clinic like I would if I would have to do that here. Because this is a controlled substance, I wouldn't be able to access it as easy as I can through Boulder Care and I am extremely grateful for that.

I just tried to get back in to my primary doctor and because I will not do my Suboxone with him, he will not be my primary doctor. So I have to find another primary doctor. But that's ok I will find me another primary doctor. He wants where he would be my primary doctor and Suboxone doctor so he would get paid twice and I don't want to go through him for my Suboxone. I am doing good with Boulder Care. Why do they want to mess things up for us when what we have with Boulder Care is working for us? I have come a long way with Boulder Care's help. I have been though other doctors for treatment and they did not help. Boulder Care helped me so much and they care what happens to me. They really want to help me and Boulder Care is there for me anytime I need to talk to someone, so please just leave everything alone because it works for me.

This can't happen. This program, the way it's done I'm sure helps millions of those people struggling with transportation or holding a job due to how many hours u have to put in. So I am writing them cause they have no clue. I think Biden would know a little something about it being his family member suffers with an addiction. But for those who want to be sober and to have a job plus get kids off to school, we need this program. Point blank period. Thanks.

They can't do this to people. It's criminal.

Why is it the DEA is against drugs and then when the people find a place like Boulder that helps us, the DEA or who ever else wants to make it hard on people? It's like they want us to be on drugs. If this is working for people then why try to make it hard on those that fight for their life day after day? The DEA needs to worry about the drugs that are making it to the streets every day and and leave the treatment places alone and stop trying to make crap hard. It's already hard enough to get off the crap. Now the addicts got to worry each day if there is going to be places like Boulder and recovery places for us to go when it's time. They don't know how hard it is to try and get off heroin where people like me was shooting over a 100 bags of it everyday.

I wish you guys can keep it how it is because I don't have a car to get to the hospital. Please try to stop them from doing this to us

You saved my life when I was at my lowest. I found hope and a different way of life. Thank you Boulder and especially my personal care team 🙏

I am going through some difficult times right now and having medicine at ease like this helps me dramatically. Thank you and hope everything works out

I have been with Boulder for almost one year and if it wasn't for them, I truly wouldn't be here today, cause Boulder gave me the care I truly needed. Lindsay my provider listened to me and Crystal my peer counselor is very good and understands exactly what I'm going through. Even though I do this over the phone, I see her as well as she sees me. And I can talk more freely to Crystal cuz I'm at home and being at home helps me be more relaxed...I ask you DEA people to please leave telehealth and Boulder, only cause if it wasn't for Boulder, I wouldn't be here today. My life is so much better with Telehealth and Boulder, so again, leave Boulder as it is cause they saved my life.

In the 8 years of inpatient suboxone Dr appointments, I always felt like I was just 200 dollars a month that they would make for 5 months without talking to me or interacting until 6 months had passed. When I changed over to teladoc, my treatment has been a lot better. I have my Dr a few keystrokes away if I need them and I have a counselor if I need them 24/7. And I have a Dr who listens to me. With my older Dr everything felt like a argument over me explaining my body and my needs as well being the sole income provider for 3 young boys and their stay at home mom. Not having to miss a half day to full day of work to drive pretty far for me to see the Dr. has helped me save over 200 a month and I feel much better about my treatment now being with Boulder. I hope things don't change. My life has been all the better since I started suboxone teladoc.

Some work too much, they don't have time to do a in person appt. That's why we chose online care

I'm very happy with Boulder. Their support n help has been a great help to me. I got 91 days clean today

Is there anything that can be done by a patient? Is there a petition that can be signed? The reason I switched from an in person doctor to Boulder is not having to do in person care due to my job.

Boulder Care telemedicine has helped save my life and my job. My boss was very frustrated with me having to take off the whole day of work to go to my doctor's appointment. And i would have to take the whole day off because I would sit in the doctor's office for hours, and I was losing money. Thank you Boulder Care.

I would be happy to write something expressing my opposition to the proposed rule changes. I will keep an eye out for communication from Boulder re: how I can best support the cause.

Working with my care team through Boulder has been such a life saver for me and makes things so much easier for me as well! My Boulder clinician is so amazing! She listens to what I have to say with no judgement being passed, she has worked with me to get my medicine at a level that curves my cravings for my d.o.c. she didn't give up on me and has been there the entire way to help me. And my Peer Support worker has been just as amazing as my clinician! She has supported me in this sobriety journey and has made suggestions that helped her in her journey of sobriety that I have implemented into my journey and has helped me so much! Way easier and more convenient then an in person appointment because they are always at my finger tips at anytime when I need someone positive to talk to!

I would love to give a testimonial and share how your program is allowing me to live a normal life and work a job without the stresses of of being at a clinic for 4 and 5 days a week or whatever ridiculous rules they place on you. I would love to have a chance to speak my mind and help you guys in any way I can.

I'm glad we have a place to meet and to continue our care.

I've been successful without a single relapse in over 10 years. I'm an IT engineer making 120k a year... This will only hurt working people. Yes it may be needed for some but there's so many successful people that this would get in the way.

Some people can't make it to a physical place all the time and within the addiction society it's even harder when we are trying to get to meetings, fight our addiction, get counseling, work a program, go to work, and spend time with kids/family. I know these all sound like excuses but they are not they are reasonable explanations

Telemedicine as a whole and boulder more directly has enabled me to get off of and remain completely clean of fentynal. One of the scariest, most difficult hurdles of my life. Through Boulder, I've revived hold of my family, my finances, my career, and am now doing better in life than I was even before substance abuse. Thank you, and let me know if i can help.

It will make it harder on people who have trouble getting to the doctor and for people to work. You would have to take time off work to go to doctor. Plus it makes people who are ashamed of their addiction less likely to seek help. Telemedicine makes it easier for people and convenient.

Living in a rural area, having found you guys was a life saver. Especially someone with severe PTSD, it's been truly a life saver being able to do telehealth. Whatever we can do to be a voice and speak up about this. Consider all the people this would truly effect in a negative way

People in addiction or who have been previously in addiction sometimes are without a, home, a car or a job. Telehealth is beneficial for people like us. Being able to have over the phone face to face counseling sessions & therapy without leaving your home or wherever you are. It is completely right at your finger tips. I am so grateful to say this ideal treatment is crucial for people like me. Currently my car just broke down & without Boulder I would be without my medication. Thank you for your time & just listening to people who struggle with addiction. This has clearly made my recovery easier. God Bless...

I would love to be able to share my story and advocate how telemeicine has really helped me in my journey.

The point of teleamedicine is in the name! This should be an infringement of our rights to fair and safe medical practices and privacy. This is about big pharma not getting to be a part of people's recovery and their ultimate successes. If we do not speak up and say no, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. You are only our recognized authority to make and uphold just and fair laws, when you make and choose for your own agendas you no longer govern for the people but yourselves

Some people travel for a living and it’s hard to get into a clinic appointment, so doing it online for us that travel is more convenient and way more helpful to our sobriety -- without the stress of missing an appointment or work

In a small town like [redacted] telemedicine has helped me be able to get the treatment that I need please don't stop this telemedicine treatment thank you

My life has changed ever since I started there. Thank you... for all your help n support

I personally would not like that change to occur. One, I would not be as more comfortable talking with my counselor getting out the things I need to say if I was not in the comfort of my own home and I bet a lot of addicts will feel that way. When you're in the comfort of your own home just that you're comfortable. And when things pop up, you might want to say them and then it'll be better in the long run because you're only as sick as the secrets that you keep. And the favorite one of mine is if nothing changes nothing changes and going to the same old place to get the same old meds getting the same old counselor and the same old room is going to keep you locked up in your mind. I love Boulder care. It kind of fell into my lap and I thought well that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, and then if you just try a little bit you start appreciating the little things. Boulder care has done way more for me than any other regularly attended doctor did. I mean they seem to care more. I just do not want that change to take an effect at all, I'm perfectly happy where I'm at. Maybe this time I will succeed

I just want to let Boulder know I will happily help, in any way, because Telehealth has most likely saved my life! My entire family is greatly appreciative of the services provided by Boulder.

I hope Boulder is here to stay, it helps me so much more than anything has ever helped me. And I don't have a car or license, so it would really be a problem for me to get anywhere. I just hope to stay. They have helped me tremendously. I can work now, my pain is manageable

I really hope it doesn't change. I'm comfortable doing what I am doing over the phone.

The only concern I have with that is transportation. I do not have a license and still working on getting a birth certificate to obtain an ID, so depending on where the location would be for the meeting, I don't know if I'd be able to make it there unless I had a couple days in advance to obtain a ride

Without Boulder care I would already have relapsed, but now ever since I've been with them I've been focusing on my life goals and completing each one at a time. I really appreciate them doing everything that they do for me. I've been clean for almost one month now and if it wasn't for them I don't know what I would do.

I want to stay with Boulder

Boulder care telemedicine really helps me due to the fact that I work full time 2nd shift and dont have a lot of time for in person appointments. The outside doctors i do see are only once every 6 months so I dont have to worry about making time every month/week before working all day to see them. This program has probably saved my life. And to be able to reach out to Boulder anytime and get help is very comforting and so is the monthly counseling with someone who has been in my shoes. Thank you for helping me.

I believe this could possibly make me getting my medicine harder and in many way's hinder my recovery by missing work and having less money because I have to take off and run around town to go to a clinic for this needless meeting. I believe it's a waste of time and it's difficult for many men and women to get help with treatment and to stay in recovery as it is.

Amazing program I love it everyone is so nice and caring and it’s just a amazing team

Some people can not show up in person most of the time cuz maybe no job no transportation. that's why they r doing telehealth. and while I've been with Boulder care telehealth, i have been staying clean and sober cuz I don't have to ever worry about missing a Dr appointment and end up being very sick cuz of not being able to attend a Dr appointment cuz of complications with transportation. all I have to do is pick up my phone and I'm there. and before they say medical cars can transport, well I've tried that and ended up not making my drs appointment cuz for some reason they have to cancel or just show up late. then I'm out just can't get there, so ya that's happened to me a lot with that way and I don't have a driver's license or cash to pay for a ride

People have to have this option available to them. Haven't we seen enough death over this whole addiction nightmare? The more ways out cannot be wrong.

I’m grateful to have this option to help me become a better person and drug free. I’m not always able to get to appointments l do not have a car and without boulder care I would still be using drugs every single day. If a person wants to quit drugs they don’t always need to go to a group setting. Also I have adhd and anxiety and sitting in those environments really stress me out. This program saves lives I don’t know why anyone would want to change it

I have no vehicle and I am currently in an undesirable situation in life. Boulder care has been a god send for me to jump start my recovery and attempts to stabilize my life starting with my mental weaknesses i.e. addiction assistance and counselling by peers who have been through the same stuff. And I am always on the defense of this type of care because y'all don't know what each of us is dealing with and going through. I have attempted suicide before. Took a pistol to my head and pulled the trigger. Yeah, I said what I said. After some sort of angel Interfering with that, I heard about Boulder care and I haven't ever been that low since. I know they have helped to save my life and can attest to the facts that I ain't the only one who feels that way.

If I would have to I would go like one visit but great things about Boulder is I don't have ever leave my home. It's so hard for me to get in and out to appt. I have nothing but great things to say about Boulder care and my team. I've been a nurse for 30 years snd I know all so well the challenges of patient care . Thank you guys for all you time and effort you made for me.

Telehealth is a necessary advancement in technology and there should be more legislation that encourages this type of accessibility, not more restrictions such as the DEA proposed rule changes. As a father of four, a full time graduate student and a full-time job.

That new proposed rule is ridiculous, I'm glad Boulder is fighting it.

How will you help patients locate and make an appointment for an in person visit? With these changes and the ongoing changes with multiple pharmacies, I already had an appointment with a local facility that prescribes Suboxone, however right now they only allow clients to be seen as far out as monthly. Being clean& sober over 7 years, I think every 3 months, or my last doctor saw me every 6 months, is reasonable, especially since I went through the protocols successfully. This is very upsetting and I’d like to know what Boulder is going to do if this goes into effect? I am willing to voice my opinion to the DEA when you have a way to do so.

If I have to come in for an appointment that would make things really difficult for me

This is horrible... it takes one person to miss one appointment and it could be life or death :(

A Telehealth Visit is Such a Big DEAL for me. I'm able to Speak with My Care Advocate Team Online, I dont have to Worry about finding Transportation to and From My appointment. or how I am going to get my Everyday Medications. Its so convient because i am not able to pick up keys to get into a car drive. So No medicine because no license. My life is so stress-free now because My team has helped me achieve A Stress-free Life and that is Really Important in My Sobriety

Don't let the feds stop helping people. Your program is great.

I think this is crazy ridiculous

You guys are amazing!!! Any way I can help I'm here!!! You guys have changed my life for the better!!!

The main reason I do telemedicine is because not only transportation is hard, I oddly hate to leave my house I really like boulder the way it is... Why does DEA enjoy making it harder to get maintenance meds but herion is ungoverned on every corner!? I love my care team and terms as is

I have no car no way to get to doctors appointments. I live month to month on social security. I don't want to have to resort to selling my body or selling drugs ever again. I'm hoping things stay the way they are

This system and team has been a life saver. For someone who lives in a rural area this has been unbelievably helpful. I know I'm not the only person who believes this and couldnt imagine where I'd be without it.

This has saved my life. I was moving towns when I found this place and I was so worried about not being able to get my medicine and then I would be going back out and messing up. But they have helped me keep my recovery going and I am so thankful for them. I don't know where I would be if I didn't have them. Thank you so much for helping me save my life and gain my life back.

I feel this is just creating a hindrance to my recovery process that feels unnecessary. I also feel the DEA should not have such an active role in my recovery program.

Situations like the current is why Boulder and telemedicine is so important to my recovery!!! I left my phone in my cousins car last night so I missed my scheduled appointment this morning... I have to reschedule immediately because starting tomorrow morning I'm going to b completely out of medication & I do have access to transportation BUT the transportation also has health issues so it's not always available at times when I need them

I don't have my own car. I would have to depend on someone else to drive to my appointments. I prefer telemedicine for this reason. It also saves the time to prepare myself for appointment.

The only way I have transportation is through ride line which is a medical transport paid through my insurance. I do have a primary care provider. But I need time to schedule the ride to and from my appointment. I hopefully won't be needing medication much longer and I can continue my recovery through talk therapy type stuff or groups or [my Peer] I really like her. I would prefer not to do an in person appointment about addiction because of my certain circumstances...

Boulder care has literally saved my 🧬 fe. They're the best. I can always talk or text someone 24/7. I love that my Doctor is on time and proomp. The Boulder Care Team has saved my life. I've been clean 4months 6 days, it's the best move I've ever made in life. [I have] discomfort of being in a crowd and I'm able to do it in the comfort of my own home

The care I receive at Boulder is far better than any care I received in person. I live in a rural area and the providers here are stressed and overworked. I tried the in person option before Boulder and found it very frustrating and discouraging. The service with providers in this area was horrible and none of them cared about how you were doing or how you felt. Also, being a rural area there was embarrassment and discrimination by going to those appointments making it very difficult.

I suffer from agoraphobia and am almost prohibited from an In person visit by my severe anxiety and mobility issues. Please take that into consideration when deciding on this! Thank you and God bless!

Boulder care is a life saver. Having access to addiction treatment without having to travel 50-100 miles and miss work. The anxiety and stress of finding a good Dr close to home and trying to schedule around work is eliminated with Boulder care. I can see and get treatment from my living room. On my schedule, which means no missing work or traveling. Boulder care is essential part of my addiction treatment. They have made it possible for people with addiction to get treatment without the embarrassment of going to a packed Drs office. I'm able to discreetly receive treatment. I hope to continue receiving my treatment throughout the future. Thank you Boulder care, you are a life saver.

First I'd just like to start off by saying that, Boulder has NOT ONLY just HELPED me change my life AROUND TREMENDOUSLY with my addiction, but in my situation it's TOTALLY CONVENIENT FOR ME!! 💯 The reason I'm even mentioning THIS is because I'm a single mother ORIGINALLY from [the south]. I currently reside in [a different state]! It's ONLY myself & my three babies, whose ages range from 5 & 3 years old & my 7 month old son. 🙏 PLEASE, I'M ASKING YOU JUST TAKE IT INTO CONSIDERATION FOR PEOPLE IN A SITUATION LIKE ME, NO MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION, LIVING IN ALL DIFFERENT STATE, NO FAMILY, SINGLE MOTHER OF THREE kids that has an addiction. Boulder has helped me STAY CLEAN & SOBER, 💪 if it wasn't for, Boulder I would've lost my 3 children to CPS! I just ask you with everything in my heart before you make a decision, look at how many people Boulder has helped by giving them, Suboxone... instead of people that are addictive going on the streets buying God knows what that's NOW LACED WITH, GOD KNOWS WHAT THAT COULD 9 TIME'S OUT OF 10 KILL THEM 😞. WHY would you want to do ANYTHING like THAT!?? 🤔 WHY àre you trying to 🛑 [telehealth] from helping addicted people out instead of going on the streets dying? PLEASE, 🥺 I'm begging you from the bottom of my 💜 , don't do this. Please let Boulder keep doing what they've been doing and that saving people's lives!? 🤦🏻‍♀️😭

Boulder Care has been a very big change in how I receive my meds. It makes it much easier to talk to my Dr. on a more personal level. Also having a peer recovery specialist helps me out anytime I need. That is all very important in recovery. The most helpful situation is I do not have to worry about getting rides to my visits.

Lets ruin a good thing dea why? Makes no sense other then you want to make few easier to get? Come on man use your head and not money 😒

Why would you make it more difficult for addicts to keep getting help? it only takes that one time to not be able to to get medication and guess what happens? back to the streets and that person dies due to overdose.

To be clear and 100% honest I would have NEVER Have gotten off of opiates if it was not for the telehealth services provided by Boulder. I don't have reliable transportation nor the means to get to the doctor's office for regular appointments let alone get treatment for any of my medical issues. But with everything being online it has made it easier for me to live my life and get the treatment I needed to provide for my family. It literally saved my life and changed my life for the better. I think there should be more telehealth services such as this. Thank you Boulder for saving me from myself and from the drugs who controlled my life for 25 plus years. I am now in control of my life. Now 1 year and 24 days clean.

I think the government should stay out of doctor patient business. They have no clue what is good for us or our care. That should be left up to the doctors and patients not anyone else. They're just driving more ppl to go back to the streets where stuff is easier to get. They blame everyone but themselves. They make it hard for chronic pain patients to get the meds they need. Then when we turn to the streets because its easier and reach out for help, they make getting help even harder. It's a damn shame

The care I received from Boulder Care is perfect just the way it is. They provide all the care I need. I feel more listened to now than I ever have before with having to deal with local physicians. Most are not trained to deal with addiction. Please do not change anything. It will only make things harder for users to get the help they need. Thank you.

Boulder has absolutely saved my life and my children's life in more ways than one! I greatly appreciate everything my Nurse and peer coach does for me, not counting all the other people Boulder has saved and taken care of so much! Thank you very much for everything 🙏

I really like the staff here as well as the care

I love Boulder because it’s more convenient then in the past going to a clinic -- people would be high and that’s a trigger. I work and it’s just easier doing my appointments from my phone

My concerns with these changes are, I just moved an hour and 45mins away from the city and I have no transportation whatsoever. I can't even get to a store for groceries. I have to pay extra to have them Delivered. The same goes for my prescriptions as well. I read that Boulder will make sure that my prescriptions and appointments are uninterrupted but I'm not sure how they (Boulder) can... if this change goes into effect and their Patients are "REQUIRED" to have an "IN-PATIENT" visit in order to receive the medications prescribed such as Suboxone, but they (the patients) have no transportation such as myself! Boulder's patients need to have time to Prepare for such changes. Especially when prescribed a medication that... can make them physically ill when not taken.

Without Boulder's Tele system, I wouldn't have had the success I've had since seeing my clinician. They allow me to carry on with everyday life and keep my medical as discreet as possible. I was raised conservative so this unfortunately is very taboo. I am very grateful for all the help and success I've been able to achieve with Boulder's system. It's honestly too much to ask for a day off without having to explain myself or even lose work because of any changes. This enables us to live our lives without complicating it just that much more.

I would like to say that boulder care has changed my life in so many good ways. I absolutely love my Dr and even the fact of not having to worry about missing my appointment due to transportation. Having the benefit of online care is so convenient and more comfortable in my opinion. There is so many more pros them cons with boulder care

I live in a small town and any in person visit to a local clinician would make me very uncomfortable and I have high degree of confidence that my confidentiality would be ephemeral, at best. I’m aware of HIPPA, and similar regulations, but the reality of small communities is very different. For that very reason many people (who can afford it) seek ALL specialized medical care in the nearest large city (in the same state), which is about 90 miles to the east. If an in-person, or periodic in-person visits become necessary it would be very important to me to see a clinician there, not here

Having reliable transportation is a big issue for everything especially getting to any type of Dr appointments or recovery appointments. Most people are not willing to give recovering addicts rides anywhere let alone a recovery office where there are more addicts present.

I’d like to stay by saying Thanks for fighting n standing up to the DEA cuz personally, you guys made my fight against addiction much easier 😇 I wouldn’t know what to do without u. n my family appreciates it as well 🙂 god bless keep fighting.

I just want to say that you guys have been the best thing that has happened to me as far as getting the medicine I need to do everyday tasks and live a normal life. I live in a very very remote area where I would have to drive over an hour to get to a facility that could prescribe the medicine you guys provide me with. Being able to do telemedicine has made it so much easier when you are a single mother that works full time. I appreciate you guys so very very much, thank you, and yes I will be providing feedback to the DEA. I love my provider --- she is awesome, she listens, and she cares and that's all you can ask for, so thank you again.

Thank you for finally making this treatment easy and accessible. Why in the world would the DEA go backwards and make it less functional? Ignorance. That’s plain and simple. DEA-educate yourself, don’t be ignorant!!!! Thank you Boulder for everything you do. I appreciate you. I’ve struggled for YEARS, you’ve the first tx center where I don’t have to worry that I’m gonna lose my script for some rule I’ve broken. Suboxone works so well for me. Now, find a solution for the disgusting meth addiction please???? Then all will be solved in my world.

There isn't always a good fit in every city for recovering addicts or even just to find the type of care you need whether you're an addict or not. Telemedicine has opened the door for me to get the best care possible not just for my recovery but also for balancing my hormones. If this law were to pass, it would cost me thousands of dollars for my hormones. I would have to travel from Oregon to Tennessee to have a single visit. I pray that these changes do not go into effect as I think the vast majority of patients are not seeking drugs

When will the DEA start allowing providers to actually treat patients without making it so hard?????

The program that I have been doing with Boulder suits my life best according to and with my schedule. I have already completed long term treatment and sober living and I am constantly working to thrive in my community. When I meet with the Boulder Care specialist I am very transparent and I am able to talk freely about anything that may be happening in my life, comfortably. I feel like the people I meet with keep me accountable and help me progress with my recovery. I don't feel the need for a in person visit or think it would do any better than what I'm doing now seeing how I've already got comfortable talking with the people at Boulder. Furthermore, in person visits would be an inconvenience and I'm afraid I would miss a appointment and ultimately compromise my treatment plan. My thoughts on the situation is opposed seeing how my needs are already met.

I am a law enforcement officer and I really appreciate the privacy and convenience of online care.

I feel the time factor is an incredible point for me. I used to spend 3 hours driving and at least 2 hours at my appt. every month and sometimes bi-monthly. It was always such a hassle. I love the convience, warmth and understanding of telemedicine.

This place is very helpful. There's no way this should ever be shut down ever.

This would hurt recovering individuals like myself

My doctor is amazing although it is through telemedicine we have a personal relationship and I have an attachment to her, a real connection. She has supported me through more than just addiction and now I have 30 days clean again and just for today I'm clean another day and my 8 month old baby has her mom back. Thank you boulder care.

Boulder has been great with my addiction treatment, and my clinician has been excellent and very professional and efficient.

Don’t make it harder for people seeking help because a lot of people do not have transportation